As much as people would like to say that the new year is a time for big changes and chasing new dreams, most of the time those big changes end the second we fall back into the old routine. It's alright, you can always try again next year.
1. Diet plans and exercise routines.
You'll feel accomplished after one 20 minute workout session. In fact, so accomplished that you will feel as though you have just done enough working out for the whole year.
2. Save more, spend less.
"I'm going to stop buying things I don't need."
"This paycheck is going to stay in my savings!"
"I'm going to start using more coupons and shopping only sale items!"
3. Be more cleanly.
Let's see how long you can keep the dishes and laundry under control this time.
4. Developing better study habits.
Don't get me wrong, spending more time in the library is an absolutely phenomenal idea, especially when you've got scholarships to maintain. But the second your friends invite you to go out for the night, it's bye-bye books.
5. New year, new me.
"I'm gonna spend less time caring about what others think of me and have a positive outlook on life!!!!1!!1!"