So, last week I wrote about noticing the signs of burning out which is a threat we all face at this time of year. This week I am going to share tips on how to stop and/or prevent a burnout from happening. However, before I go into that I would like to address a common misconception.
Stress and burnout are not the same things. Stress is short term. It is an out of control feeling, but once the situation changes it lessens or goes away. Burnout extends over a longer period of time. It is the feeling meaningless and a disconnect in what you are doing. Basically, you are just going through the motions. Now that we know the difference let’s talk about how we can stop burnout:
1. Create a social contract with positive relationships
This can be done by investing more time in your closest relationships. You can become more sociable with your coworkers. This one is a biggie, limit your contact with negative people.
2. Reframe the way you look at work/school
Find the value in what you are doing. You are working for money to get something or going to school to obtain your career. Find balance in your life. If you have work and school and relationships to maintain like me than you need to find time for each and balance them all without spreading yourself too thin. Make friends at school/work to enjoy them more. Lastly, take some time off. If you simply can’t find balance, take a vacation.
3. Re-evaluate your priorities
Set boundaries in your life. Learn to say no when you know you simply don’t have the time. Nourish your creativity by trying something new or revisiting an old hobby. Take a daily break from technology and connect with the real world. Set aside some relaxation time for yoga or some mindful breathing to relax your senses. Lastly, get plenty of sleep. This is more important than we would like to admit and needs to be paid more attention to.
4. Make exercise a priority
Exercise releases chemicals in your body that can rejuvenate you to be more productive. Set aside 30 minutes a day to get in something as simple as a walk to get the blood flowing. Try rhythmic exercise, where you move both your arms and legs. It is a hugely effective way to lift your mood, increase energy, sharpen focus, and relax both the mind and body. To maximize stress relief, instead of continuing to focus on your thoughts, focus on your body and how it feels as you move.
5. Support your mood and energy levels by eating a healthy diet
First, you need to minimize your sugar and carb intake because these lead to the crashing feeling. Reduce your intake of foods that can adversely affect your mood, such as caffeine, trans fats, and foods with chemical preservatives or hormones. Eat more Omega 3-fatty acids to boost your mood. Avoid nicotine as this is a stimulant and increases your anxiety. Lastly, alcohol in moderation as this is only a temporary solution.