Don't want your server to hate you? Follow these five tips and you'll be on your way to becomming the ideal customer.
1. Patience is Key
Yes, it is understandable when it takes 30 minutes to get your food out and you are famished. But, if you see that we are busy, please please please do not treat your server or hostesses out of anger and spite because of being hangry. Instead, please be understanding and nice, because they are doing their best to help please you in your stay, but may not always have the control to do so.
2. Tip! Tip! Tip!
Many will argue and say how horrible the service is or how cold their food was, but nine times out of 10 that is not your servers fault all in all. Yes they might have not been as nice to you as much as you wanted them to be, but they are human as well. They have their good days and bad. These people support their families from day to day on how well you tip them, because getting paid $2.30 an hour without tip isn't going to cut it for a family of five.
3. Do Not Leave a Mess
If you come in and ransack the restaurant and expect the bussers or hosts to clean it up, they will most likely won't be too glad to see your face again. Hosts and servers and bussers have to take more time out of their shift to clean up and if you purposely leave a mess just because, that means they have to spend extra time just on your table and stay longer than they want. Which in the end, doesn't make anyone happy. So please, just clean up after yourself.
4. Politeness is Key
Coming into the restaurant with a smiling face and being nice is the nicest thing any host could ask for. Continuing to keep the polite behavior upon your stay is magnificent, especially if you have company. Whether you are with children, or co-workers, or even your mother in-law, your example and how you treat others is key. Others see how you act and then react. "Do unto others as others would do unto you."
5. Use a Filter in Public
Now what I mean in this is yes, if you use aggressive and vulgar language in public to your server or the manager, the ending consequence isn't going to be very nice and peachy. Also, if you have a "funny" comment or a sly saying that you think will woo the server or host when something wrong has happened, please don't. The filter means to keep all negative or rude comments to yourself. If it isn't going to praise the person, then please keep it to yourself.