If you haven't been to the Subreddit: Trump Critisizes Trump, there is a hole in your life that you did not know existed until you visit it. It will make you laugh, it will make you cry, it will make you smash your head into a brick wall and want to gouge your own eyes out all at the same time. For your viewing pleasure or lack there of, I have saved you the countless hours of scrolling through these insane tweets and present to you the best and most relevant one's in Trumps arsenal. Please keep in mind while reading these that this person has access codes to nuclear weapons. Just let that sink in.
Enjoy. Or not.
5/15/17: Released classified information to the Russians, in the oval office, with a Russian photographer present yet American Journalists were not permitted access.
The most recent for last. Notice the time stamp. What is he doing?
Although we may be rolling our eyes and smashing in our own faces with the audacity of this last tweet, the fact is it's freaking scary.Trump has started this "Fake News" machine the same as Putin has done in Russia with his propaganda machines and it's working on his supporters.
Stay informed my friends.