As many people do, I have at least five things I must accomplish in my life time before my hour glass runs out of sand. I believe we are all placed on Earth to fulfill a purpose, big or small. We all have a destiny to fulfill, a potential to reach, and an impact to make, on one or one million people.
I want to live a good life, filled with memories, moments, tears of joy and sadness, and successes. Don't we all?
1. One thing I must do before I die is have my dream job. I have always aspired to love my job, because if you love what you're doing, you will never work a day in your life. Whether your dream job is a teacher, an artist, a mechanic, in the military, or president of the United States, shoot for the stars, and achieve that job.
2. Fall in love and get married, once. Everyone dreams about their happily ever after. My only goal towards that in life is to fall in love, and stay in love. Stay with the person I married, work through issues, stay together and be happy. I don't want divorce in my future. If something is broke, I want to fix it. I don't want to endure the heart ache and pain that comes along with it, especially if children are involved.
3. Achieve the biggest goal I have set for myself. We all set dreams and aspirations set out for ourselves. Whether we made them at age 5 for 50, we all have on thing at the top of that bucket list we are always itching to cross off. I will make it my mission to cross off the number one spot on my bucket list.
4. Travel to different places, see different things. Often, we place ourselves in bubbles and do not pass through the outer circle of our comfort zone. Great things happen outside of our comfort zones whether we think so or not. By allowing ourselves to see what the world has in store for us beyond what we are used to, we will grow as people spiritually and culturally.
5. Educate myself in the here and now. I don't want to be one of those old folks who shun anything that has happened or has been invented in the last four decades. I want to keep up with the changing times, keep my mind sharp, and be open to the new ways. Although, I might not always like the new ways, changes, and new inventions, I will not be stubborn and act as if I live on a different planet.
Fulfill all your dreams to the best of your abilities!