In most students college career, they experience living off campus which can be the best yet the worst thing that can happen to a student. It is all about adjusting to a new environment and how one reacts to it. Living on campus is great because students have easy access to everything whether it is food, medical care, the gym, library, professors office, campus security, etc. Plus living on campus allows students to have more interaction with the campus community by having a short walking distance to campus events. Living off-campus offers students the same benefits but off-campus students are more likely not to attend events but on the other side attending the gym and library are always the two main things off-campus students will go to. Here are the top 5 things every student who lives off-campus knows!
1. Waking Up Extra Early To Get To Class Blows! But At Least You Are Responsible!
8 AM's are every students worst nightmare! And it is worse when not living on campus. It is bitter sweet to wake up at 7:30 in the morning the latest and still get to class on time when you live in a dorm room, but when living off campus 7AM is the latest you can wake up before you get to class late. With that said you are literally a zombie and still half asleep in class. On the bright side, being able to wake up so early and get to school is a demonstration of commitment and responsibility!
2. You Are Most Likely To Skip Breakfast 70% Of The Time.
School drains everyone and when you have extra time on your hands during the morning you are most likely to spend it sleeping rather than getting up and making some toast. But on rare occasions you will some how find the strength to get up and make a nice breakfast!
3. Having A Meal Plan Is Unnecessary, It Is Best To Not Get One.
Everyone gets hungry during school hours but when you are buying your own groceries you have to ask yourself, "is it worth getting a meal plan incase I'm hungry during school hours"? The answer is "no". Campus food is expensive and getting a meal plan, even the with the smallest amount of money, is a ripoff because you are most likely to spend it fast when you could have bought snacks from the dollar store that would last at least two weeks and paying less than half the amount you paid for your meal plan.
4. You Always Want To Go Straight Home After Class!
Once all your classes are over you will want to go home and rest, staying on campus isn't as amusing when your house is miles away. Your home becomes your chill spot!
5. Picking Out An Outfit To Reason With The Weather Is Always A Struggle!
The great thing about living on campus is being able to change your outfit as many times as possible because your dorm room is near anything. You could be wearing a hoodie during the day and if it starts raining you can run to your room and get a raincoat or umbrella easily. If you live off campus and you have a long day ahead of you, you kinda have to stick through it and hope for the best when the weather wants to switch up.
Life is different when you go from on-campus to off-campus but once you adjust you will learn and experience the best of both worlds!