1. Freedom
Going off to college is tough, moving away from home, leaving your friends and moving to a place with hundreds of strangers. Despite this, going to college is exciting and you finally have the freedom to make all of your own decisions and find yourself. I never expected to be in a foreign country travelling with people I didn't really know, but it was one of the most amazing experiences. While abroad, when you are not in class or on a field trip, you have the freedom to choose what you want to do. This led to many random adventures and crazy stories for sure, but it was one of the most liberating feelings ever.
2. With Freedom comes Responsibility
Everyone has heard the old saying, "With freedom comes responsibility," however you don't realize how true this statement is until you have actually been given that freedom. When I left for the trip I did not expect to come back a completely different person. However, being in a foreign country with people that you don't know all that well means that you have to take care of yourself. It also means that you can't call your best friend who is at home and make them go do stuff with you. It means that you have to make plans and if no one else wants to go, you have to go do them by yourself. When I got back from the trip, I realized how much I had grown as a person and how different I was because of the responsibility that I had to handle while I was abroad. This change definitely made a huge impact on my life and made realize that I was capable of much more than I had previously given myself credit for.
3. Friendships that last a lifetime
Sadly, I did not meet a foreign guy, fall in love, and become an international popstar, I mean, we can't all be Lizzie McGuire. However, both times I have been abroad, I started the trip only knowing one or two people and not really knowing anyone else. I was super nervous at first because I didn't really know anyone, but it definitely worked out for the best. Everyone on the trip was so different, ranging from what we were involved in to our majors, none of us had really had many interactions with each other before the trip. By the third day, our group was doing everything together and we were all quickly becoming friends. I went from only knowing two people to gaining an entire family. Seriously, by the end of the trip our group was so close, we couldn't believe we had known each other for less than a month. Even today we still have a GroupMe and hang out on campus.
4. Food
Seriously what everyone has been waiting for, food. When people find out that I have studied abroad one of the first questions is, "How was the food?" Well, as cliche as it sounds, the food actually is amazing. Each country uses such different flavors that the dishes are unique and the variety is unbelievable. I have had some of the best food while abroad and not only does it taste amazing, it is also much healthier. Most other countries only cook with fresh ingredients and skip adding extra grease and butter. While I am from Mississippi and I love my southern food, when it boils down to it our food is good, but it isn't good for you. If you go abroad I highly encourage you to get out of your comfort zone and try new food, I promise you won't regret it.
5. Culture
When you study abroad with Millsaps, you truly get to see a country through the eyes of someone who lives there. Sure, you do all of the touristy things and take pictures, but you are also immersed in the culture of that country. Your professors make sure that you are able to see the country from the side of a tourist and a local. Chances are your professor has been to that country several times so they are able to show you the local hangouts, the hole in the wall restaurants and tips for getting around the city that you're in. Millsaps makes sure that the students that are abroad are able to see behind the touristy side of the country which allows you to learn even more about that country and its culture. Millsaps also provides the professors who aren't so familiar with the country with a guide so you can have a more personal look into the culture and norms of that country.
While there are so many other reasons to study abroad, I feel that these are the most important. Overall, studying abroad with Millsaps is one of the best things that you could choose to do. Whether its going to a European country or down to the Yucatan, I highly recommend doing a study abroad program through Millsaps, it will change you and make you grow as a person without even realizing it until after you're already back home.