Leaving for college in September has made me realize how much I am going to miss my mom. After a long time of thinking my mom was so annoying through middle school, high school has made me realize how much I love spending time with my mom and that next year I won't have those long rides to practice to make her drive me too.
1. She is always there for you
Even when you don’t want her there, your mom is always there. She knows when you are having a bad day and is always there to talk about it. She can tell when you are having a good day. She can tell when you just need a milkshake. Regardless of whether you want her there or not, she will be there.
2. She knows what is right, even when you don’t want to hear it
Whether it's about the shirt you just bought that should have stayed in the store, or about that person that really shouldn’t be your friend, Mom always knows right away. Sometimes, she might not tell you in order for you to figure out that you made a bad choice.
3. She is always there to answer the phone
When you are on a long drive with no one to talk to or just plain old bored, your mom always has to answer the phone. If not, she’s ignoring her own children, and that is just plain awful. The conversation can range from what was good about your day, what was bad, what her crazy boss made her do at work, or what you had for lunch that day. The conversation will always happen and fill that silent space the radio can't.
4. She never misses an event
Whether it was one of thousands of swim meets, school events, or random things, she is always there. She could have stayed home after work, but instead she busted her butt all day to come watch an award ceremony, knowing that you wouldn’t win a single award. Nothing is better than the eye contact you make after some nerd just won their 20th award.
5. She loves you unconditionally
When it feels like everyone else is gone, Mom is always there. She picks you up when no one can. She can make you laugh when you really don't want to. She is the one person you can annoy every single day who still has to love you.