Going to a big school was undeniably one of the best decisions I have ever made. These are the top 5 reasons as to why it's so awesome:
1. The School Spirit
Everyone who goes to that school is most likely low-key obsessed with it and will defend it until the day they die.
2. There are so many clubs to get involved in
There are so many different clubs for you to join it's kind of overwhelming at first. I swear there is a club for everyone and everything at a big school. If you can't find one that you like, chances are someone will join you to create one.
3. If you don't want to see someone you don't have to
The campus is so big that the chances of you seeing that specific person are slim to none. If you do see them, just take a different route to class because there are too many to choose from.
4. Sports
Because who doesn't love a good football game with your friends?
5. You can always make a big school smaller
At first, a big campus seems super scary. I promise you after the first week you will know every inch of the campus. You can always join clubs or greek life to create a smaller group of friends which makes the school feel smaller. If you need a change of scenery, branch out to something else! You can make the campus as big or small as you want!