As every college student knows, dining court meals are only the best place on earth for a few weeks. Soon the free aspect starts to fall short to the repetitive choices and overcooked items.
They might be a far cry from the mystery meat found in most high school cafeterias, but after so many trips to “On the Go” a student needs a change. So here are five of the best places to eat on Purdue’s campus to help you get through the semester.
1. Pappy's Sweet Shop
Found in the Purdue Memorial Union, Pappy’s is home to just about anything you could ask for in a diner. Breakfast from pancakes to biscuits and gravy and everything else from burgers to freshly made milkshakes, anything your heart could desire is here right in the heart of campus. Add in the fact that Pappy’s was founded in 1927, and you’ve got yourself the perfect place to stop in for a meal. Purdue students can even use a meal swipe on a chosen menu after 4:30 on weekdays!
2. Harry’s Chocolate Shop
If you are 21 or older, stop by Harry’s if you’re in West Lafayette and you can go ugly early! Harry’s was originally a soda fountain shop in the early 1900’s. Later it was turned into a bar when competitors started popping up. However, the story and belief of many students and alumni is that Harry’s was a speakeasy. So, stop in for a drink, if you’re of legal drinking age or some free popcorn, and experience part of the West Lafayette tradition.
3. Triple XXX Family Restaurant
In the mood for some great rootbeer? Or maybe a burger is more your style? Either way, Triple XXX is the place to go. Featured on Diners, Drive-In’s, and Dives even Guy Fieri has to agree that this is a must-have when here in West Lafayette. Distinguishable by its bright orange and black striped outer walls, you cannot miss Triple XXX as you drive up State Street.
4. Au Bon Pain
If you find yourself studying in the Wilmeth Active Learning Center and need to recharge run into Au Bon Pain and grab something. They’ve got soup, sandwiches, and coffee, basically everything a college student needs to make it through exams.
5. The Union
The Purdue Memorial Union, as mentioned earlier is home to many different places to eat. If you can find a seat, the Union is hopping during lunch and dinner and has a variety of foods you and your friends can choose from to eat. Most places accept meal swiped after a certain time throughout the week, and others offer a student discount.