1. Concerts
Whether you're a hardcore fan of who you're going to see or just going to hang out, summer concerts are by far one of the best things about summer. What's better than hanging with friends and listening to live music? Nothing.
2. Being tan = no makeup
I love the fact that when I'm tan enough I feel like I don't have to wear as much makeup. Such a freeing feeling. Makeup and 80 plus degree weather don't really mix well, so its such a relief when you can look in the mirror and feel good about the way your skin looks without having to apply makeup.
3. Messy buns and sun dresses
Throwing your hair up in a bun and throwing on a comfy dress is the best and easiest way to put an outfit together. Being comfortable and looking cute at the same time is key!
4. Being responsibility free (kind of)
Having no responsibilities for a little while is a great part about this time of year. Even though we have jobs to worry about, its so cool to not have to worry about actual school work for a few months.
5. Pool Days
Whether its having a drink with your friends or laying by the pool after a work day, pool days are the best days. Period. This can also help with that tan mentioned earlier too!