My Top 5 Foreign Thrillers On Netflix | The Odyssey Online
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My Top 5 Foreign Thrillers On Netflix

From gritty small-town dramas to supernatural whodunits

My Top 5 Foreign Thrillers On Netflix

It's Winter Break for many of you students out there and that means one thing - free time to binge watch the very best of Netflix. If you're anything like me, this means kicking back with a mug of hot chocolate and watching the most intense, nail-biting, and gruesome thrillers Netflix has to offer. And if you want to know where the really good thrillers are, I'll give you a hint now - the foreign series tag. Below is a list of my top 5 favorite foreign thrillers on Netflix compiled for your binge-watching pleasure. So whip up some popcorn, get cozy on your sofa, and enjoy!

1. Broadchurch

This one is probably one of my favorite shows of all time. The script is spectacular and the characters are fascinating. This British detective drama centers around the aftermath of a tragedy in a small town in Dorset. When the body of a young boy named Daniel Latimer turns up on the beach in the quiet town of Broadchurch, foul play is suspected, and both cheery local detective Ellie Miller and the bitter new-guy-in-town Alec Hardy are put on the case. What follows is a mystery way larger than either of the two expected.

As the town unravels in the wake of the investigation, dark secrets and double-lives begin to surface. It's certainly grim and definitely a bit depressing, but if you're looking for a thriller that's tense, unrelenting, and that digs deep into exploring human morality, Broadchurch is a great pick for you.

2. Glitch

Less of a detective story and more of an Australian sci-fi / supernatural mystery, "Glitch" is one of the more unique thrillers I've uncovered on Netflix. In this Netflix original series, local cop James Hayes is called onto the scene to investigate a disturbance at the local cemetery. He expects drunk teenagers playing a prank, but what he gets are the dead rising up out of their graves, perfectly alive and healthy - including his deceased wife. While James and local doctor Elishia McKellar try to uncover the reason for the sudden bout of resurrections, the 'undead' have their own challenges to face.

Suffering from amnesia, the undead must put together in bits and pieces vague memories that reveal who they are and how they died, and many of them have the uncomfortable issue of returning to their normal lives when the whole town thinks they are dead. The most fascinating part of this show without a doubt are the rules for the unique universe the writers have created - for example, the resurrected characters can't leave the boundaries of their small town or else they disintegrate into ash. Piecing together theories about why and how they came back is as fun as following the drama of the show itself.

3. The Break

Here we start getting into subtitles "The Break," also known as La Trêve (or "The Truce") in French. This Belgian French-language thriller focuses on Yoann Peeters, a police detective who's just moved back to his hometown with his teen daughter. When the body of an African football (here meaning soccer) player turns up in the river, Peeters suspects something more sinister than suicide.

With some genuinely creepy villains and a lot of unsettling instances of typical adolescent experiences going horribly wrong, this show is a gritty roller coaster that will have you wondering who the bad guy is until the last scene.

4. Hotel Beau Séjour

This Flemish-language Belgian crime drama has a unique, supernatural twist to it that makes for interesting storytelling. When teenager Kato wakes up alone in a dark hotel room, she is shocked to discover a bloody corpse in the tub. Sounds like a typical mystery opening, right? Except that the body is Kato's.

Kato discovers that there are five random individuals who can still see and hear her after she's died, but has no idea how they are all connected. Unsure of who to trust and unable to communicate with nearly everyone, Kato sets out to solve her own murder, while also seeing (from her own invisible perspective) how her loved ones cope with her death. It's a highly unusual and complicated mystery, so those who are looking for something a little different from the standard whodunit will surely enjoy Hotel Beau Séjour.

5. Dark

Fans of "Stranger Things" looking for something a little darker may enjoy this new German drama. After two young kids disappear in a quiet German town, a sprawling mystery unfolds, going back three generations and revealing the deeply troubled and shattered lives of four local families. I can't say much without giving things away, but there's a supernatural element to this show as well that propels the plot forward in small creeping steps and throttling sprints.

I do have one suggestion for viewing it, though: this show defaults to an English dub, which personally I'm not a fan of (the voices sound a bit strange). My suggestion? Switch the language back to German and use the subtitles. More work for your eyes, but your ears will thank you.

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