My Top Five Favorite Characters From "Game Of Thrones"
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My Top Five Favorite Characters From "Game Of Thrones"

Those who've made a special place in my fictional heart.

My Top Five Favorite Characters From "Game Of Thrones"
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So, everyone has probably heard by now of the wildly popular fiction series "A Song of Ice and Fire," and also it's accompanying, even more popular TV show, "Game of Thrones." This show has everything in it, ranging from sex to violence to power games and political backstabbing, all set within a landscape based on England's own feudal period, just with dragons, ice zombies, giants, little green people, etc.

Yet it is the characters that make this show great, as the way they are written, acted, and portrayed make them so real and empathy-inducing it is impossible not to find someone you'll like. Most often, you'll find a lot of someones, even if you rarely ever see them, as they aren't part of the major cast.

Considering that these are the strongest parts of the show in some cases, here I've compiled a list of my five favorite characters and ranked them in order, from least to greatest. Of course, that is not to say these might be everyone's favorites. But they certainly hold a special place in my heart, battered and beaten as it is by George R. R. Martin's as well as D.B. Weiss and David Benioff's exceedingly capricious whims with regards to the welfare of their characters.

#5 - Tyrion Lannister

Not the noble scion of the House of Lannister, as Jaime is, nor it's beauty, as with Cersei, Tyrion is the mad dwarf in the attic of Casterly Rock that no one ever likes to talk about. He is short, stunted, and twisted, earning him his nickname the Imp, yet he is perhaps one of the bravest and noblest men in all of Westeros. Well, as noble as you can get in this land of anti-heroes and villains.
He is at equal times noble and vicious, cunning and kind, and all of this combines to create an emotionally compelling character. That, and the viciously cruel history he has suffered through.

#4 - Margaery Tyrell

Ah, the rose in the midst of the lions. Despite all of its thorns, how can it resist the long, sharp claws? Margaery seems to have more fragrance than thorn, and is beloved by the common people (and us) for her elegance, grace, and benevolence. Yet she holds secret aspirations of her own, wishing to be the one, true queen and posing her wit against that of the lioness Cersei herself.
In some ways, she's better for the realm than the current Queen Regent, as she acts as a stalwart shield for King Tommen against his mother's cruel influences. Also, Natalie Dormer. I rest my case.

#3 - Arya Stark

This poor girl, having lost her family, is now wandering separated and alone, in servitude to a religious cult centered around death and the dying. Hardly a nurturing environment for her age, Arya has seen and been through more than perhaps half the cast combined, and all at the tender ages of nine to eleven. She's seen her father's head cut off before her eyes, her mother and brother dead, and her two brothers supposedly dead while her other sister is off missing. In fact, the one family member she's closest to, her half-brother, is on the other side of the world and in no position to help her.
She still continues, persevering with the strength of the Stark bloodline, and making her own path in life. Unfortunately, it seems to be one that might lead to her death.

#2 - Samwell Tarly

Perhaps the most modern, and most cowardly, of all the people I've named here, Samwell Tarly is not any great hero in the martial sense, nor a daring adventurer. His favorite pastimes are books, music, and playing with kittens. He is one of the gentlest souls here, and were it not for the time he lived in, he would have been seen as normal. But unfortunately, he is born to a feudal land and as son of a lord who threatened to kill him if he did not dare to join an order that would remove him of his inheritance.

When time calls for it, he is one of the bravest heroes, daring to fight the Wights and help elect Jon Snow as Lord Commander. While he may seem a coward and capable of nothing but small feats, he has big impacts on the future of the world.

#1 - Tywin Lannister

Perhaps the most controversial entry of all here, Tywin Lannister is a man of many contradictions and opposite, in turns stern, cruel, and kind, but always proud in who he is. At certain moments, he is the most implacable enemy one will ever face, the next, one's greatest friend. All he does, however, is for the sake of the Lannisters, his family, and he considers their welfare before that of his own.

He is capable of great cruelty and horrible acts. He is responsible for the deaths of thousands, for the Red Wedding, and also for most of the cruelty his own son Tyrion has suffered throughout his life. While Tywin, at times, comes to be the closest typical villain "Game of Thrones" will ever have, his own past and experiences leave one's own feelings muddled about him, as his hard life and the weakness of his father made him into the man he has become.
He was the King's Hand, Warden of the West, and Lord of Casterly Rock, the head of the Lannisters, the most powerful family in all of Westeros. Even in death, he left a great mark on the history of the world, and shapes how it will continue for years to come.

This is my character list; I hope you enjoyed. If you agree, disagree, or want to have a drawn-out discussion while we wait for the #sixthbookthathasbeenpromisedliketentimesoveralready, leave a comment in the section below. Make your own list as well, I'd love to read them.

Until then, remember; "Winter is coming!"

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