Let's face it, life is short.
It's impossible to experience everything the world has to offer in a single lifetime. However, everyone has encountered something that they would love to experience before it's their time -- whether it be on the Internet, on television or perhaps from a friend who went on a crazy adventure during the summer. Some dream of going skydiving while others have a list of countries they would love to travel to. As a result, bucket lists are born. Here are the top five things I want to do before I kick the bucket.
5. Get a tattoo.
I might end up with several tattoos by the time I die. I have so many ideas, it will definitely be too hard to decide which ones to get and which ones to forgo. Yes, I know they're permanent. Yes, I know it'll hurt. There's just something enticing about having a work of art or a piece to commemorate a good time in my life with me everywhere I go. My body is my temple and I will decorate it as I please.
4. Join the PeaceCorps.
I, for one, still hold on to the pipe-dream that I can change the world. The PeaceCorps allows you to travel the world and truly immerse yourself into a new culture for two years while also working with a local community to educate them and enhance their quality of life. Their two-year program includes an intensive language program, housing and they give you money to buy food and live independently, with two vacation days for every month you're there. Once you've returned home, you receive additional money for your participation in the program! The PeaceCorps also coordinates with universities all over the country in order to continue education, if that's the path you decide to take!
3. Take a road-trip across the country.
New York to California. I want to experience everything from the Grand Canyon to the largest ball of yarn to the Hollywood Walk of Fame. America is so beautiful and has so much to offer. I would love to see everything I can.
2. Have a family.
Plenty of people want to grow up, meet someone they love, get married and have kids. It doesn't necessarily always go in that order, which is definitely OK, too! I just want to meet someone who loves me just as much as I love them. I want to have our minis running around, probably wreaking as much havoc as we did when we were little.
1. Travel to London.
Ever since I was a kid watching "Peter Pan" to being an adult watching "Doctor Who" and "Sherlock," I've always dreamed of traveling to London. I want to do all of the touristy things. I want to see Big Ben, the Eye in the Sky, I want to ride on a double-decker bus and take a million pictures. I want to spend time in London and experience everything it has to offer.
So, that's it! That's the top five items on my bucket list!
Tell me, what are some things on your bucket list? What are some things that were on your bucket list that you were able to cross off? Let me know!