5 Must-Go Brunch Spots In Music City | The Odyssey Online
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5 Must-Go Brunch Spots In Music City

Nashville knows music. Nashville knows hockey. Nashville knows brunch.

5 Must-Go Brunch Spots In Music City

I think it is fair to say that I love brunch. I am a brunch enthusiast. Brunching is my favorite hobby. You get the picture. When I got to music city, I could not wait to try all of the go-to brunch spots, and I have made a dent in a short amount of time. Here are, in my humble opinion, the top 5 brunch spots in Music City, aka Nashville.

1. Frothy Monkey

So, this is a local spot, with a few locations in and around Nashville, but a gem all the same. The Frothy Monkey has really unique coffee selections with lots of flavors and creative combinations, as well as breakfast with a funky spin on your favorite classics. Delicious bagel sandwiches, egg delights, oatmeal combinations, and parfaits, this place has it all. And it is all so freaking good. They also have brunch until 5 p.m., and those are my kind of people. If for some reason you’re not in the mood for breakfast food, so basically I do not understand you at all, they have tons of other selections too. Soups, salads, sandwiches, quesadillas, you name it! On top of the yummy eats, this place has such a cool vibe. In summary, 10/10 recommend.

Recommendations: The “Julie” (Bagel sandwich with farm eggs, feta, basil, and tomatoes) and a Parfait (organic vanilla almond granola, yogurt and fresh fruit) and a Mocha Cappuccino with Hazelnut.

2. Pinewood Social

Pinewood Social is the hipster hangout that I am nowhere near cool enough to be present at, but present I am nonetheless. This place is so cool with an outdoor garden/patio area with bocce ball and loungers so it feels like you are in your backyard, hanging with friends. Inside, there is a retro bowling alley, sofas, coffee tables, and a full service bar, so once again, it feels like a hipster utopia. With regards to their brunch menu, they have everything. Breakfast Tacos, “Egg in a Jar,” Waffles, granola, Eggs Benedict, pastries, pancakes, and my go to Avocado Toast (If you do not love avocado toast you should read Maggi McCann’s article, 'A Letter to the Avocado Toast Lovers'). One day they will realize I am not cool enough to be there, but until that day comes, you can find me at Pinewood Social.

Recommendation: Avocado Toast, because you cannot pass up Avocado Toast, and “Have it your Way” (I do Eggs, Biscuits, and Fruit, but there are a ton of options), topped off with the Seasonal Espresso.

3. J. Christopher’s

The funny story about J. Christopher’s is that we ended up there as a happy accident. We started out at Pancake Pantry, but because the line was 6+ miles long, we bailed and looked up reviews for nearby places on Yelp. Someone actually posted that they tried for Pancake Pantry and because the line was so long they went to J. Christopher’s and it was great! So, we followed the review and headed to J.C.! First of all, this is definitely more of a hole in the wall, than a tourist destination, but it is really good! They have all your traditional breakfast food with some fun variety among the OG favorites. Also, my friend just started working there, so if you go, ask for Jordan and tip well! LOL

Recommendation: Irish Oatmeal (cinnamon, brown sugar & raisins, with whole oats, and raisin toast) and the Strawberry Crepes! Need I say more?!

4. Bongo Java

Bongo Java has a very “chill” vibe. It is smaller than some of the other places on this list, and has more of a casual atmosphere. The menu has a lot of yummy options such as French toast, omelets, hash browns and breakfast bagels! This is a place you can stay all day, so grab breakfast in the morning and a gourmet grilled cheese (with pesto and tomato) for lunch! Talk about a double dose of heaven!

Recommendation: Breakfast Bagel (with egg & cheese) – can’t go wrong with a classic!

5. Proper Bagel/Bruegger’s Bagels

If you have not noticed that I love bagels from the first four places, then you must not be reading very carefully. I could not pick just one bagel place, so I am showcasing two! If you are in the mood for a quick bite for cheap on the way to work, Bruegger’s Bagels is your spot. They have tons of options, and it is very fast, and very inexpensive. If you are looking for a gourmet bagel experience, then Proper Bagel is where you should go. Proper Bagel has a menu that features intricate bagels such as avocado & egg, rosemary garlic cream cheese, peanut butter and banana toast, black and blue jam toast with lavender honey, … you get the picture. These bagels are a little pricey, but in my opinion they are worth it. Their unique cream cheese flavors are half the fun: nutella peanut butter, birthday cake, cookie dough, walnut raisin, roasted veggie, etc. If you love bagels, this are where you should be.

Recommendations: From Bruegger’s, the cinnamon sugar bagel with strawberry cream cheese, and from Proper Bagel, the avocado and egg bagel!

Good City. Good Eats.

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