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5 Bleachers Songs That Will Change Your Point Of View On Life And Love

Jack Antonoff. Enough Said.

5 Bleachers Songs That Will Change Your Point Of View On Life And Love

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Due to the fact that Jack Antonoff, and his bandmates from Bleachers, have officially announced that they are well into creating a new album, I thought I would reminisce about some of their greatest songs from over the years.

As a Grammy award-winning singer-songwriter, Antonoff has continuously proved his talent in the music industry. From his time playing in the band Fun to writing countless songs for Lorde, Taylor Swift, Pink, and even more, Antonoff proceeds to take his musical career to new heights.

Antonoff has released 3 albums with Bleachers, including Strange Desire, Terrible Thrills Vol. 2, and the band's most recent album, Gone Now. The tracks are so engrossing, and every time I listen to a song, I become completely captivated by the band's unique sound and the way each member pours their heart into each song.

Here are five tracks that will leave you crying, smiling, jumping in the air, and stunned all at the same time.

"Everybody Lost Somebody"

I hate to start off on a sorrowful note; however, this song has such a powerful presence that I could not forget to mention. Antonoff lost his younger sister at the age of 18, and as fans of his work know, this tragedy is present in everything he does and everything he writes. With a slower rhythm and reflective lyrics, Antonoff encompasses listeners into his world of hardship. The lyrics, "I'll give myself a break (hey) / But there's nothing I wouldn't do to settle up with Heaven / And today I gotta settle in Heaven / Take my clothes, I'm begging" are so transformative, and it reveals how defeated he feels, and the pain that occurs when he misses her presence.


"Goodmorning" contains an upbeat tempo, and it's a song that gets my energy going on an early morning. To me, I feel as though this song is talking about rising out of bed in the morning with all your baggage and then collecting it and starting your day. Antonoff's line, "Woke up, I'm in the in-between, honey / One foot out and I know the weight is coming / Because I left it by the bed last night" translates to waking up, realizing all the baggage and obstruction in your life, and then having to accept it, and take it with you.

"I Wanna Get Better"

Once again, "I Wanna Get Better" dives into the struggles and brokenness that Antonoff has felt in his life. As stated above, his younger sister died when he was 18, and even more, his cousin died while serving in the military, and through those tragic deaths in his family, Antonoff is the telling the story of how he is trying to cope with these losses, and tell himself that he wants to get better. It's loud, it's inspiring, and it's a great song to listen to if you're ever going through a tough point in your life, and you want to feel better.

"Reckless Love"

Being one of my absolute favorite songs on the Bleachers album Strange Desire, I could not leave this amazing track out of the list. I enjoy listening to this song when I am being too hard on myself, or when I have been working nonstop, simply because this song is about finding compassion in yourself. Being kind to yourself. Not showing ourselves "Reckless Love."

"Don't Take The Money"

This track is quite interesting to me because, in the beginning, I didn't know what the title was referring to, but as I listened, I caught that it was about continuing a relationship, despite the troubles and mishaps. Antonoff wrote this song when he was dating Lena Dunham, an actress, writer, producer, and director, and I think it speaks volumes about how Antonoff felt about his love with Dunham, and it's encouraging to know that everyone struggles in the relationship spectrum, and it's hard. But a lot of the times, it's worth trying to get through those obstacles together, instead of giving up.

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