Top 5 Best Episodes Of The Office
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Top 5 Best Episodes Of The Office

I feel God in this Chilis tonight.

Top 5 Best Episodes Of The Office
The Odyssey Online

Honestly I think a big marker of whether or not I'm gonna like someone is whether or not they watch The Office or find The Office funny. People who like The Office are just automatically better humans than those who don't--you can debate me on this, but to me it's simply fact. So this week I put together a list of the best five episodes of The Office (this is all according to my humble opinion, of course.) Without further ado:

5. Season 2, Episode 1:

Ah, The Dundies.

One of my favorite parts about this episode, and all Dundies episodes is that Michael thinks everyone looks forward to The Dundies. In this episode, Jan tells Michael that The Dundies is not in the office budget; in fact she drops the A-bomb on him with the "funding for one party a year..." Come on, Jan, people NEED these parties. This episode is especially great if you've been wanting to feel second hand embarrassment for a fictional character, like Michael emceeing in Chilis. What makes me love this episode is Pam getting drunk (and Phyllis's award reading "bushiest beaver) after fighting with Roy. And encouraging Michael to continue the Dundies after some jerks throw stuff at him. I want to get "I feel God in this Chilis tonight" tattooed on my face. What? Ah, then Pam gets forbidden from any Chilis establishment ever again. And she KISSES Jim. God, if I could kiss John Krasinski..

4. Season 3, Episode 20:

None other than Product Recall.

That face alone says it all. First of all, this episode starts off with Jim dressed as Dwight and produces some of the most quotable Office lines. Bears, Beats, BATLLE STAR GALACTICA. Identity theft is not a joke, Jim! Millions of families suffer every year! After the intro, it comes to the attention of the viewer that there is a highly obscene watermark on their twenty-four pound cream letter stock... and this watermark is a beloved cartoon duck performing unspeakable acts on another beloved cartoon mouse. Dunder Mifflin is getting so many calls from disgruntled clients that the employees from accounting are now also customer service and if customers weren't already pissed about the watermark, they are now after talking to Angela. Quality assurance is Creed's job description, and as it turns out he didn't do his job--"every week I'm supposed to take four hours to do a quality spot check at the paper mill, and of course the one year I blow it off, this happens"--which is out of character. Turns out Jim's client, a high school, sent their prom invitations home on this paper and Jim is ordered to go to the school and do damage control. What happens next is part of why this episode is a true gem: Andy sees his girlfriend, an employee at a Froyo shop, at this high school. At her locker... getting her books.. because, as it turns out, she is in high school. Yup. Creed then finds out who wasn't at the paper mill and explains to Michael that was the reason he didn't do the spot check. This employee then loses her job. Which is why this episode is on this list.

3. Season 4, Episode 9:

The Dinner Party.

It starts off with the employees working late on a Friday, but it was only for a short time until Michael called Corporate and "told them where to shove it." So, everyone gets to go home... or so Jim thought. I'm pretty sure Michael made up the entire overtime assignment, didn't really call corporate, and told Jim previously not to make any plans because they were working late, all so he could finally have Jim and Pam over for dinner. At his place with Jan, of course. Dwight cruelly isn't invited, but Andy and Angela are because its "couples only," although, **SPOILER ALERT** he shows up later with an older woman I suspect is his childhood nanny. There are so many reasons this episode is hilarious. Pam is starving and they don't eat for hours after, Jan is relatively rude to Pam because she thinks Pam and Michael were intimate. Jan has an office and a work space.. where she makes candles. Jan thought white was too harsh, so she had their room painted "eggshell white," and when Jim, Pam, Michael and Jan walk into the bedroom there's a camcorder on a tripod pointed at the bed. Michael sleeps on a bench at the end of the bed because Jan has "space issues." SO many funny things about this episode. A true classic.

2. Season 6, Episode 12:

Two words: Scott's Tots.

I can't even go into too much detail about this one, because then I won't stop. So, Michael pledged to pay for this class of underprivileged children's college tuition when he visited them in the third grade. Well, they're now seniors in high school and it's about time to pay up. Michael has successfully put off telling them the true, there's no realistic way this will ever happen, until now. This episode starts off light, with Andy getting in trouble for all the baby talk in the office. This show is so god damned weird. I love it. The show has reached the point where Jim and Michael are co-managers and Andy suggests an Employee of the Month award. Erin is cleaning out Michael's computer searches and finds he searched "nip slip" several times. Dwight sabotages the Employee of the Month program and rigs it so Pam gets it and the other employees get upset because he thinks Jim planned it that way out of favoritism. Thus, it is discovered that ten years ago Michael pledged to pay for a classroom's college tuition. He's already put off going to the school seven times. This whole episode is cringe-y and honestly probably about as messed up as The Office gets. Except for this last episode.

1. Season 4, Episode 1:

You knew it was coming. Fun Run.

The best episode of The Office to ever air, arguably. It starts off by the crew seeing Michael's morning routine, eating cereal and showing off Jan passed out, sprawled across their (her) bed. As he gets into the Dunder Mifflin parking lot, while not paying attention to his driving and talking to the crew, he hits Meredith. With his car. On Dunder Mifflin property. Cue intro. Pam gets a virus on her computer from clicking an ad about a celebrity sex tape. Karen has left the Scranton branch. Jim says that he's single but we all know he's lying and he and Pam are FINALLY together. God bless. All is right in the world and Kevin is onto Pam and Jim's little secret. Michael comes into the office and announces that Meredith was hit by a car, the doctors did everything they could... and she survived. He basically makes it sound like she died and then says her pelvis is fractured. Then his employees realize he was the one who hit her.

I. Love. This. Show.

Selflessly, Michael organizes a 5k for Meredith and all the proceeds go to a cure for rabies. Truly beautiful. Michael scarfs down fettuccine Alfredo pasta right before the 5k, thinking it would be brain food, not what makes him cramp. Ryan got the big boss job and is thriving (shortly before his downfall). All the employees go at lunch to visit Meredith.. all of them at the same time. I can't even really do this episode justice, you just have to watch it.

I'm sorry for all the incredible episodes that were apart of this. It was extremely difficult to just pick five, because every single episode is hilarious and hilarious in its own way. Thank you Greg Daniels, B.J. Novak, Mindy Kaling, Michael Schur, Paul Lieberstein, and Jennifer Celotta, and the cast and crew of The Office for making this all possibe.

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