4 Reasons Why I'm Joining The Air Force
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4 Reasons Why I'm Joining The Air Force

The Air Force Is For Me

4 Reasons Why I'm Joining The Air Force

I never thought the military would be for me or even something I would be thinking about, but three weeks ago I was considering it as a possibility and after researching, watching YouTube videos, talking about it with my boyfriend, and thinking about it, I knew it is something I want to do. At first I didn’t know if I wanted to join the Navy or Air force, but after realizing I’m not about spending months on end on a boat and want to travel and see the world, that’s when I decided to go Air Force. I then looked up how many women are currently active in both branches and in the Navy there are 59,161 women, which is 16 percent of the Navy. In the Air Force there are 63,552 women, which is 19.1 percent of the Air Force. Seeing that there are more women in the Air Force than the Navy made my choice of choosing the Air Force that much more sure.

Two weeks ago I tried to go talk to the Air Force recruiter at the recruiter’s office (which I highly suggest making an appointment), his office door was closed and locked. I then decided to call his cell phone, which the number was posted on the door. When I called him he said he wouldn’t be back for another hour, so I had decided an hour wasn’t that long to wait for him, so I stuck around. But another hour turned into two hours, which turned into two hours and forty minutes. That was when I stopped waiting for him and decided to talk to the Navy recruiter since he just happened to be in the same office building as the Air Force recruiter. While talking to the Navy recruiter I took a mini practice ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) test. This is a test you have to take and pass to get into the military and see what jobs you will qualify for. When I took the practice ASVAB test, I failed it but he told me to get the book “ASVAB for Dummies” and since I’ve had the book it definitely has helped me. The Navy recruiter also took my height and weight (with my sneakers on), and according to those numbers, on that day I didn’t qualify for the Navy. I then looked up on the Air Force website the max weight I can be for my height, and according to the chart I would only have to lose 20lbs, which I think isn’t too terrible compared to what a lot of people have to lose.

Here are the top four reasons why I came to my decision of wanting to join the Air Force.

1. Money For School

College is definitely something that isn’t cheap at all. When joining the Air Force, you will automatically be enrolled into The Community College of the Air Force. You will begin to earn college credit as soon as you begin basic training. While active in the Air Force, through a combination of on-duty and voluntary off- duty courses, you can work towards your associate degree in applied science in any of the five areas allowed. After your time in the Air Force and you decide to go to college you can apply for the Post-9/11 GI Bill or the Montgomery GI Bill to help you pay for college. You’ll be earning college credit by learning and doing your job, while you also gain experience to help your career take off.

2. To Travel

Ever since I went to the United Kingdom in July 2013, I have wanted to travel. When joining the Air Force it is much and probably more likely that I will get to travel around the country and world, while if I joined the Navy I could be stuck on a boat for months and months on end. But joining the Air Force I could be in another country for months or even a year. I not only get to see the world, I also will be getting paid for it. Traveling and seeing the world is something I’ve wanted to do and one of the things I can’t wait to do while in the Air Force.

3. New Experiences

It’s not everyday that someone wakes up and says, “ I’m going to join the military today”, but when you do decide you have think about what kind of experience you want to have. You’re experience in the military will always depend on what branch you go into. For me, it was between the Navy which I could be spending my time on boats or the Air Force, which I could be spending my time on aircraft's or anywhere around the world. The experiences you have will also depend on what kind of job you have; a pilot will have a totally different experience compared to a chef. No matter what kind of experiences I have in the Air Force, I know it will probably change me.

4. Benefits

While in the Air Force there are many benefits you will get. To name a few, you will get food and housing, insurance, recreation facilities, vacation, and travel. Your living expenses include utilities, on-base housing and food allowances. There is also a tax free on base department and grocery store. Each Airman and their families are provided with low cost, medical and dental at military and civilian facilities, full pay and allowances for sick days and low cost life insurance. Most bases have swimming pools, bowling alleys, arts and crafts and even activities for families. Bases also have equipment rentals which can be used for free or better rates then off base facilities. Every Airman gets an annual thirty day vacation with pay and are free to travel and take the time to explore local or foreign places with family and friends.

Most people don’t join or even think about joining for multiple reasons, but I have thought about the pros and cons of joining and will be joining. After studying for the ASVAB and get close down to the max weight for my height I plan to make an appointment with the Air Force recruiter. This will be a huge adjustment, but I think it's something I can do. I’m excited to be taking on this new adventure and having new experiences that will change in my life and will also get to travel while I do it all.

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