I am 100 percent a binge watcher. I start the first episode of a TV series, and two days, numerous cups of coffee, and the same outfit later, I’ve seen them all. But sometimes, after a few seasons of my favorite shows, it starts to feel like a chore just to sit through a full episode. For a producer, that should be a sign that either you have to change something, or it’s time for the final curtain call. Here are my top three shows that should call it quits (beware, big spoilers ahead):
1. "Scandal"
I just want to start by making it known that I love "Scandal." It was so refreshing to see a female lead character redefine the image of powerful women both in the workforce and everyday life. Let’s be honest, Olivia Pope kills it. Between fixing the unfixable and having an extremely steamy love affair with the president, she remains impeccably dressed, poised, and polished. But there’s only so much “scandal” someone can take before they reach their breaking point. Not only does poor Olivia have psycho killers for parents that constantly wreak havoc on every aspect of her life, she also frequently finds herself stuck in compromising situations, whether it be doing the dirty in the oval office, or being kidnapped and auctioned off to the world’s criminal masterminds. C’mon, Shonda Rhimes, give her a break. There’s a point where too much “scandal” becomes too unbelievable.
2. "Pretty Little Liars"
I don’t even know where to start with this show. Maybe that’s because I don’t actually understand the show anymore. Sure, similarly to "Scandal," I was ridiculously obsessed when it first premiered, but somewhere along the line, it took a wrong turn and ended up in the Twilight Zone, meaning it lost all purpose and point. So, in order to avoid a five page rant, I narrowed it down to the top three things that have led to PLL’s demise.
- No one (and I mean no one) dresses like the way the girls do in high school. Talk about unrealistic expectations.
- How is Rosewood not under FBI investigation or something? Someone dies or goes missing or is tortured into a mental hospital like, ever other day. Doesn’t that raise at least a few red flags?
- WHO THE HELL IS A? I can’t keep count of how many people have been “A” in the duration of this show, so excuse me if I don’t necessarily buy this whole Cece AKA Charlie AKA Ali’s long lost friend, who is actually her long lost brother turned sister who spends her whole life tormenting the group only to end up dead.
Sorry, PLL, it’s time to throw in the towel.
3. "Grey's Anatomy"
Shonda, Shonda, Shonda. I really am sorry that another one of your shows is overstaying its welcome in my eyes. But really, "Grey’s" has got to go. I’ve never wanted to be an ER doctor more than when watching this show. I wanted a love like Meredith and McDreamy, a best friend like Christina, and a life spent in a hospital where I made the impossible possible. That is, until everyone ended up dying. Well, not everyone, but almost everyone. I could handle George getting hit by a car, Izzie getting cancer, and an actual bomb going off in the hospital, but I drew the line at the plane crash. The show needed to end there. Of course, it didn’t. Instead they ruined my life and killed Dereck "McDreamy" Shepard and ruined the romance that survived everything from a mass shooting to a near drowning. In conclusion, if McDreamy is dead, so is "Grey’s Anatomy."
If you've been a follower of these series and want to physically rip me to shreds, sorry. I applaud you for sticking with these series, because I sure couldn't. However, if you, too, feel like these shows need to be put out of their misery, know that you're not the only one.