It Gets Dark So Early, Now What? by Jennifer Starr | The Odyssey Online
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Top 3 Response Articles of This Week

Meet the creators making their voices heard on Odyssey.

Top 3 Response Articles of This Week
Why I Write On Odyssey

At Odyssey, we're on a mission to encourage constructive discourse on the Internet. That's why we created the response button you can find at the bottom of every article.

Last week, our response writers sparked some great conversations right here on our homepage. Here are the top three response articles:

Spruce Up Your Winter Wardrobe This Season by gianacapri23

Spruce Up Your Winter Wardrobe This Season

ā€œWinter dressing is all about having chic outerwear.ā€ā€” George Kotsiopoulos

This was a response to How to Make Your Winter Fashion Fun.

My Top Six Quotes From The Movie Black Panther: Wakanda Forever by Sharon ShazzyĀ 

Wakanda Forever.

...ranked from best to worst.

This was a response to Black Panther: Wakanda Forever is not your typical Marvel movie.

It Gets Dark So Early, Now What? by Jennifer StarrĀ 

It Gets Dark So Early, Now What?

The days are shorter, darker, and colder let's be real. Here are 15 personal tools to combat the sunless days and make the most out of it.

This was a response to Keeping Active in the Winter.

Congratulations to all the writers! We'll continue to spotlight top response articles on the homepage every week.

We're still recruiting response writers, and we want to get your voice heard! It's a great chance to get engagement for your work, and you could be compensated at $10/response for your first 5 articles.

If you're interested in writing responses or have feedback on the response button, email We're looking forward to hearing from you!

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Christmas Socks  Fireplace
Wesley Tingey

Christmas is arguably one of the most popular holidays of the year. Whether you think Christmas celebrations should be strictly reserved for December, or you're setting up your tree and lights on November 1st, Christmas time is the best time. Filling an entire month with Christmas activities seems like it could be impossible, but I am here to fix that for you. Here are twenty-five of the best things to do in the twenty-five days leading up to Christmas.

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smiling girl in pink and white stripe shirt

I'll never forget the day that someone told me these words: "Madison, I think you're a good friend to everyone but yourself." I stood there completely in awe of that statement. Before that day, I never really thought about being a friend to myself, and at the time, I didn't really know what it meant. Now, I realize that you can't fully be there for other people unless you're there for yourself, too. You can't show up for others until you're willing to show up for yourself.

Here are five things everyone should learn in order to be a better friend to themselves. These steps are hard, but they're so worth it.

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Christmas decorations

Finals, exams and papers - oh my! The only thing keeping you sane at the moment is the thought that Christmas break is near. Need a mid-week pick-me-up? Here are some simple things you can do to stay motivated and get into the Christmas spirit.

1. Play Christmas Music

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Shopping for your family and friends can be expensive. So why not make something small and cute while not emptying your bank account?

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Student Life

The Post Thanksgiving Panic And Anxiety

It happens to all of us, the weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas the catch up with you.


Thanksgiving Break is most likely everyoneā€™s favorite break during the fall semester. You get to go home and reminisce with all your high school friends. That diet youā€™ve been on for the past month goes out the window, and you get to eat until you put yourself into a food coma. Thereā€™s no rush on homework and you can just lie in bed and Netflix to your heartā€™s content. To me that sounds like an ideally wonderful break, and totally stress-free.

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