Picking your own fruits and vegetables to most city dwellers sounds like something you would do mainly in the midwest and other rural areas in the United States. But you'd be surprised how many local orchards allow you to come in and pick your own fruit in all areas all across the states. Here are five reasons why you should locate your nearest orchard and start picking your own fruit today!
1. Cost
Now price may vary because of your region, but there is huge value cost-wise when picking your own fruits and veggies. The reason for this is based on the simple fact that you are doing most of the work. When a company sells and distributes fruits/veggies, there is a huge cost added because you first have to pay to get the fruit picked, then you also pay to have the fruits/veggies to be shipped off. That leaves us the consumer with a huge premium that we must pay.
Side note: My local orchid only charges $2 for any zucchini or squash over 2 pounds.
2. Family fun
Going out and picking your own produce can be a fun event for the whole family! It's a great opportunity to teach your kids where are food really comes from, as well as show your kids all the amazing, fun and cool tools that farmers use, like tractors. Overall, it's just a great bonding experience for any family with tons of competition, gaming and other quirky things just waiting to be thought of. Finally it's an excuse to get outdoors and enjoy the sun!
3. Taste
There is nothing sweeter then freshly picked, newly ripened fruit. You really can taste the difference between a freshly hand-picked peach versus the one you buy at a big-box retailer. I can't tell you why the taste is so enhanced, but I can dare you to go and and try it for yourself.
When you pick your own fruits and veggies, you'll have the peace of mind of knowing where your food is coming from — on top of the cost and wonderful memories it could bring to your family. With all this said, it's important to keep in mind that not all orchards are created equal, and not all orchards will organic, but organic orchards are there. So go out there and find your nearest self-picking orchard today, and just beware of the bees!