Ever since I was a kid, I always wondered why my mom would never let me have parties at our house. Before "Project X" and those other crazy movies came out, chill parties with friends seemed normal, so I never really got it. That's until AOMG released Jay Park's "Party" video and I saw exactly what my mom saw in her head:
To mom, parties meant fire-breathing clowns, torches, flamethrowers and an all consuming blaze that would reduce our house to ashes. My friends would leave the stove on or use the microwave when a fork was still on a plate -- then BOOM, sparks fly.
I was a teen at the time and you know what teenaged boys like: women. There was no way my mom was going to let her little boy grow up so fast.
Utter Chaos
Now that I'm older and have seen how crazy some parties actually are (the ones in "Wolf of Wall Street" are insane), I can't imagine the stress that my mom must have felt having to think about cleanup. That's why I started being a guest at parties instead of hosting them. #AvoidTheChaos