Why Your Child Should Go To Summer Leadership Camp | The Odyssey Online
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Why Your Child Should Go To Summer Leadership Camp

Every minute is worth it.

Why Your Child Should Go To Summer Leadership Camp
McKenzie Lewis

Every summer in Georgia, hundreds upon hundreds of FFA and FCCLA members gather in Covington for a truly life changing experience. Summer the Leadership (SLC) is a place where your child can try new things and make life long friends all while growing as a person and a leader. There are so many reasons your child should go to SLC, but I'll just describe a few.

There will never be a dull moment.

Every minute at SLC is filled with fun and adventures. From softball and volleyball games in the morning to assemblies and dances at night, there is something to do from the minute the student opens their eyes. Students can discover new sports or games during their free time, take a dive in the pool or take their try on the famous Blob. Students even get to run the Udder Mud Run where they go through several muddy obstacles with all of their teammates. There is something for everyone at SLC.

The staff is amazing.

Staff members at SLC are dedicated and passionate about the work they do. SLC staff members spend their summer changing the lives of FFA and FCCLA members. They serve as role models for the students while they are also there to make them laugh and be a shoulder to cry on. Their job is to make sure each camper has an amazing time at SLC and they never fail to do so.

It is a life changing experience.

It is amazing how each year after camp every camper has a story to tell. They might have conquered a fear, made a new friend, scored the winning run for the team, made something beautiful in the craft shop, sang karaoke in a crowd of people. The possibilities are endless. At SLC, every student leaves having learned new leadership skills and with a smile on their face. At SLC, students break out of their shells and discover who they want to be.

Their time at SLC will create memories that will stay with them forever. SLC is one of the best places for them to spend the summer. They will become leaders, make friends, and create memories all within the span of five days.

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