1. Ask for Napkins from Restaurants | The Odyssey Online
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Top 3 Life Hacks During Quarantine

My three best tips on improving your home life that you probably never thought about.

Top 3 Life Hacks During Quarantine

This makes three straight stories that are non-sports related, and it hurts me as much as it hurts you. Unfortunately, with no live sports, my article ideas have come to a partial halt. I promise I'll try to bring back some revamped sports ideas for next week.

Until then, stay safe, stay healthy, and check out my top three tips to use during your quarantine.

1.     Ask for Napkins from Restaurants

If there's one thing we've all learned over the past month, it's that there's a massive shortage of paper products at grocery stores. People stocked up and those who couldn't make it in time to grab toilet paper or paper towels were unfortunately stuck.

Until things cool down here's my top tip to get your hands on a paper product, ask for extra napkins when ordering food. What's one thing we know restaurants have a ton of…napkins! While it's super important to support local restaurants during this time, I'm sure they would gladly throw some extra napkins in your delivery or pick-up order in exchange for your business.

The worst they can say over the phone is no, so just ask. Sure, it wouldn't be the most comfortable tissue or piece of toilet paper, but it's better than nothing. Napkins certainly serve as excellent paper towels for drying hands or cleaning surfaces.

We all need to make the most of every dollar during this time, so welcome to napkin world.

2.     Baby Laundry Detergent is Perfect for Sensitive Skin

If you're like me and have sensitive skin, you probably have experienced everything from sun burns on a cloudy day to rashes from certain cleaning materials. This has led me to buy special Tide free and gentle laundry detergent because it doesn't irritate my skin.

When I went to the grocery store to get supplies, my heart sank when I found the laundry detergent aisle almost completely empty. I can't buy the regular name brand soap due to my skin sensitivity.

That's when my mom gave me an "ah-ha" moment, saying I should just buy baby laundry detergent since it's already engineered for sensitive skin. Sure enough, the grocery store had plenty of baby detergent, so I bought a bottle and worked out great.

Don't be embarrassed buying this in the store if you're like me. No one can smell you over a Zoom call and the most important thing right now is to stay healthy and clean at all times. This saves you from shipping in laundry detergent online and ensuring your skin stays in great shape.

3.     Use Dish Soap and Water to Trick Gnats

If you don't have a gnat problem you can skip right over this, but these pesky little bugs always come into our lives and into our homes at the worst times.

Maybe you didn't think you had a gnat problem and now that you're home 24/7 you've notice the issue. Well I got a perfect at home bug trap for you.

Just get a red solo cup, fill it halfway with lukewarm water, and mix in at least a tablespoon of dish soap. Coat the inside of the cup with this substance and leave it half-full. Place it near where the bugs like to hangout the most and see the results day by day.

The dish soap loosens the surface tension of the water so when the bugs fly on top of it, they quickly sink and drown. The dish soap also adds a smell that attracts the bugs (I used lemon). Since they like to hangout near water and food, setting up these cups will hopefully make the population decrease significantly.

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