I really love art and the power it has to make you have so many different emotions just by one picture. I have fallen in love with so many different painters over the years, but these 3 have stood out every time. There are some new artists and some older artists, all bringing new excitement to the table.
1. Franz Kline
Kline is a very dark and simple painter, but has so much emotion running through his pieces. My favorite piece by him is called "Buried Reds" and it is abstract while still being a monochromatic shade of black. I found this painting when anxiety hit hard and ever since then it has become a very special piece to me. If you have the chance, go search Franz Kline and see all of his amazing works!
2. Christine Sun Kim
Kim is a very unique artist that just makes you think and get your creativity flowing. She has been deaf since birth and has such a creative way to express her thought into her artwork. The pieces are very simple consisting of just a few basic colors while still being able to get her point across. Maybe when she was painting these pieces she didn't even have a backstory behind them, but that is the great things about art by being able to have everyone percieve it differently.
3. Torey Thornton
Here's my last artist that you should check out and boy, is he a good one. His art is so abstract (are you seeing the abstract theme yet, its my favorite kind) but has so many bright colors. His pieces all portray a child-like feeling while still remaining modern and sophisticated. It's a pretty hard combination to achieve but Thornton does is perfectly.
I really wanted to share my favorite artists because art is something that is so special to me. I especially love abstract paintings and pieces that make you second guess what it actually is.