Here are my favorite and what could possibly be your favorite Amazon movies if you watch them.
Under romance movies the best are:
Pretty in Pink: This is a older movie but it is homey because it is older. It is very sweet. It casts Molly Ringwald from the Breakfast club which she acts just as good if not better in Pretty in Pink I think. In the movie she is Andie who acts responsible yet carefree at the same time. She has two people that like her and one of them is her friend. And his name is Duckie (the middle guy in the picture above) and he has some very good character qualities he is hilarious, spunky, extremely confident (except with straight out telling Andie he loves her) , fun loving, and loyal. Then there is the other guy he is sensitive, serious, caring in a very subtle way. Which guy does she end up with? You can watch and find out.
Not Another Happy Ending: This is another cute romance. It is not a simple romance either like most are. It is about a writer who falls in love with her publisher, and he with her. But he doesn't show that he likes her and she doesn't show that she likes him completely even though they both know that they do like the other person. The publisher especially acts like he doesn't like her at times. He actually tries to make her miserable because he thinks it will help her write, he thinks that all great writers are miserable or need to be miserable to write and write something good. So he doesn't want her to have a happy ending just yet because he figures if she is happy then that will be the end of her writing. So he is trying to help her by making her miserable. Anyways through a lot of tangles between them, even with her being with someone else for a while in the end they come together and work together. And props to this show for original good music, that I haven't heard anywhere else. Such as a song called "How we met" by a group called Cherry Pie that has the lyrics "I fell into your eyes with an inky black splash" or something like that.
and under comedy there is
Schitt's Creek: This is about a rich family that lose all their money so that they have to adapt to being poor in a town called Schitt's Creek. The humor is in their cluelessness and rudeness. You wouldn't think rudeness would be funny but the way it is presented so bluntly in funny, because it is so extremely ridiculously awful. Anyways the one I find the funniest is the son who is trying to be himself which is a very prideful fashion expert in a small town with about one store. He is also gay and confident. And this leads him to be bashfully honest to the townsfolk in a hilarious way. Honesty can be turned to humor pretty quickly this show show's.
Anyways I could go on but those really are the best and those are the categories I mainly like so I will stop there with a top 3 to watch