Top 20 Popular/Funny YouTube Videos From 2000-Present
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Top 20 Popular/Funny YouTube Videos From 2000-Present

A flashback in time

Top 20 Popular/Funny YouTube Videos From 2000-Present

Remember all those funny videos from your childhood way back in the early 2000s? Do you remember when "Fred" was a thing? "Annoying Orange" .... Do you remember "Muffins" ? Well here is a list of a whole bunch of videos that will bring you back many, many memories and are in no particular order. This list was formed by pulling from multiple websites and seeing which sites had the most similar videos on them. Again, in no proper order whatsoever.... Top 20 YouTube videos.

1. Mysterious ticking noise (2003)

I think most of us remember the Puppet Pals. Puppet pals became a thing in 2003 when it was created. Harry Potter was a huge thing back in 2003 and this video is still popular today.

2) Charlie The Unicorn (2005)

Jason Steele created "Charlie the Unicorn". This video was actually a present for his mother and apparently created this video and put it under her account. 50 million + views later we have this lovable video that everyone has enjoyed in their younger years.

3) Fred on May Day (2006)

Fred was created by Chris Cruikshank in the year 2006 with the help of his cousins. This video series actually got so popular that he eventually got his own movie with Nickelodeon.

4) The Annoying Orange (2009)

Dane Boedigheimer was an MTV production assistant at the time he made this video series. Its reached 5 million subscribers and still reaches them to this day. I think everyone can remember this!

5) Muffins (2006)

Im sure everyone remembers "Muffins", actually i'm pretty sure this was the first YouTube video I myself watched. The guy who made this video is actually very famous as a comedian now and his name is Liam Kyle Sullivan. Liam Kyle Sullivan has many personalities today like Kelly, Chris, Mother Grandma, Bill, Aunt Susan Walker, and Bob Tulap.

6) Never gunna give you up (2009)

Im sure everyone remembers being rick rolled in middle school and elementary school. This video by Rick Astley became the classic internet meme. Rick Astley uses this as his signature song and plays it at the end of concerts.

7) Nyan Cat (2011)

I know 2011 is pushing it a little for 20 year olds in the childhood era but, this video, I just had to include. Everyone knows this song and even kids today still sing the melody. So this has a lot of history. First it started off as a GIF. The GIF was made by Christopher Torres and it was inspired by a dead pet cat. Shortly after came a song that was called "Nyanyanyanyanyanyanya" created by saraj00n (known as Sarah) that she put with the GIF. It was originally Poptart cat but its been changed since then to Nyan Cat.

8) Trololo (2010)

This song was much loved and kind of created the word "trolling" for the internet. Trololo was sung by Eduard Khil. Eduard Khil was a famous Russian singer and he changed the words to trololo.

9) Chocolate Rain (2007)

Named the hottest YouTube video of 2007 by CTV, this video deserves a place on this list. Chocolate rain was created by Tay Zonday.

10) The Duck Song (2009)

This video was a favorite of my own from my childhood years so it had to make the list somehow. With 227,071,920 views (to this day), this video is a great viral video that became an internet meme.

11) Ebay Parody Song (2007)

Ebay was released in the year 2003 but this video came out in 2007 making the song very popular in the internet world.

12) Charlie bit my finger (2007)

This is one of YouTubes most viewed YouTube video. This video received over 842 million views! I guess a parent just decided to upload a video of their kid and the thing went viral. Now videos are uploaded every few weeks of the boys!

13) Woman and her talking star wars chewbacca mask (2016)

Remember last year after the star wars movie came out and this lady practically broke Facebook with the most views EVER in a Facebook YouTube video? She literally got to go on Ellen and a whole lot of other talk shows for her work in this video! This is probably the most recent viral video.

14) Gangnam Style (2012)

This video has had literally 2,674,609,784 views (as of 11/1/2016) and i'm sure it climbs daily! Cho Soo-Hyun created this song/video. I don't know if my readers have herd of this but "Minecraft Style" has also been a parody video of this song.

15) Myspace The Movie (2006)

David Lehre was the original director of this movie. This movie was about Myspace and went viral with now 2,084,224 views (as of 11/1/2016). These boys find this girl online and she agrees to meet them at a bar. This woman then demands to know why she's not his top eight and gets into his Facebook in order to basically stalk him.- Just watch it.

16) LonelyGirl15 is Dead! (2007)

This video won the 2008 commentary award for the YouTube awards. A lot of people comment that this is the reason they started watching YouTube and other things like that. Its just this guy talking about LonelyGirl15.

17) First Blog/Dorkiness Prevails (2006)

Its only fair to include this video because, yeah, it did get a lot of views, but i'm assuming it got more views as time progressed before the video above came out. LonelyGirl15 was a blogger who talked about videos and such.

18) Masha and the Bear (2012)

Nobody has any idea why this is a really popular video, but it's most popular episode is episode sixteen and this is based on a Russian folktale Masha and the Bear. This video has over a billion views.

19) Keyboard Cat (2007)

The first time i ever personally herd this video was when they had Key Board Cat on either the puppy bowl or the kitty bowl (I can't remember which). Charlie Schmidt was the creator of this video.

20) David after the Dentist (2009)

Under the YouTube video it comments, "This is a video of my then 7 year old son David in May 2008I had my Flip video camera with me. His mom wasn't able to go because of work. I taped some of the morning before the surgery to show her and was already planning to tape afterwards. He had just had a tooth removed due to Hyperdontia or extra tooth. This was taken in the parking lot of the dentist office. He was so out of it. The staff was even laughing. This lasted for a few hours and he was fine. He even laughed at the video that night. He is very smart and always has something interesting to say about many different issues. His philosophical reaction to the medication didn't really surprise us. David is a very good kid and I am blessed to have him and his brother William as sons. This has been a great experience for our family. Thanks for watching.

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