If you have been to a high school or college campus lately you are probably familiar with some of this lingo. Although, if you are not, here are a few to get you started, and be prepared to throw some shade in the right direction.
1. Fleek
When something is extraordinarily on point, or simply Queen B status.
2. Bae
In reality this is the Danish word for poop, but in today's culture it is known as "baby," or "sweetheart." A little strange that we refer to our loved ones as excrement, but c'est la vie.
3. Shade
This is the act of being casual and dissing a friend or peer.
4. Catfish
This is when someone has an alter ego on a social media website and destroys other people's lives.
Did you hear Tina got catfished by that guy off of Twitter?
Yeah! Wasn't he some 15-year-old girl?
An uncontrollable wave of human emotion that can knock someone off of their feet and make them unable to handle reality.
OMG the feels over this show, though.
6. Salty
A relatively new term meaning someone is truly mad and irritated.
I'm so salty with Rebecca right now.
What? Wouldn't you say you're only lightly salted, girl?
7. Thot
This is a term that refers to women of incredibly loose morals, among other things.
This is an adjective that can describe any place, person, thing, or event. It is most commonly associated with pumpkin spice lattes, flannel, fall, and iPhones.
A term that can be applied in any social setting where someone says they are going to leave and no one truly cares. They are then on referred to as "Felicia," the random girl who nobody is sad to see go.
10. Can't Even
When someone has had such a hard time and they are so done with everything, that they literally can't even.
Enough said.
12. Ship
A ship is essentially an audience-based romantic relationship between two fictional characters. These characters can either be in literature or television.
13. Thirsty
Being overeager to receive something.
A group of friends with a common identity and solidarity.
15. Dead
When something is beyond hilarity and compromises someones life.
When you are so unbelievably hungry that it causes an all-consuming rage within oneself.
A term that means, "One True Pairing," and can be seen in some major randoms.
This is a phrase that can be applied when someone uses an adult or someone of age to purchase alcohol for them.
19. Netflix and Chill
A term when someone gets a potential love interest to come into their abode so sexual relations may occur.
20. Butthurt
The emotion someone has after being ridiculed or when they have received an insult.