My Top 20 Glee Songs
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My Top 20 Glee Songs

Glee was full of stunning musical numbers, here are my Top 20, enjoy!

My Top 20 Glee Songs
Kristin Dos Santos

Since it hit television screens back in 2009 Glee has been one of my favorite television shows. Over it's six seasons Glee has produced some incredible music. From ballads to duets, mashups, and group songs, the show has pretty much done it all. Below are my top 20 favorite songs from the show.

20. "Singing in The Rain/Umbrella"

This ended up being the first episode that would feature Gwyneth Paltrow's character Holly Holiday. She was one of my favorite guest stars on Glee and the dance number for this song was phenomenal, a definite favorite!

19. "Take A Bow"

"Take A Bow" was the first Finn Hudson (Cory Monteith) and Rachel Berry (Lea Michele) song performed on the show. I think many of us watching felt Rachel's pain at being rejected by a crush. Definitely a heartbreaking moment for all.

18. "Somebody to Love"

"Somebody to Love" was the first where the New Directions really began to take shape and prove that they were a force to be reckoned with. Plus, who can resist the likability of this Queen classic?

17. "I Feel Pretty/Unpretty"

Plastic surgery and body image issues are a big part of American society, especially for those in show business. Rachel's insecurity about her nose and eventual acceptance of it was a nice reminder that we should celebrate who we are rather than change because of it.

16. "Born This Way"

This song was also featured in the same episode as "I Feel Pretty/Unpretty" and once again supported the idea to embrace ourselves for who we are.

15. "My Life Would Suck Without You"

The relationship between the members of New Directions and their teacher Mr. Schuester is one of the central elements of the show. This song perfectly summed it up and was also what prompted Mr. Schuester to kiss Emma for the first time.

14. "Teenage Dream"

The Warblers were a great addition to the show; I'm a huge fan of acapella music. Blaine was one of my favorite characters on the show and this song was a preview for his actions in the coming seasons.

13. "Toxic"

Love, love, love the Britney Spears episodes. The play on character Brittany S. Pearce's name was clever and the episodes finally showcased actress Heather Morris's talent as not only a dancer but a singer as well.

12. "Keep Holding On"

Following the trend of many television shows Glee tackled teenage pregnancy. In this episode, viewers got to see a more vulnerable Quinn Fabray and New Directions become more of a family.

11. "Loser Like Me"

I was not the most popular student at school and dealt with my fair share of bullies. During some of my low moments, I would listen to this song, definitely inspiring.

10. "Make You Feel My Love"

Cory Monteith's death was shocking and tragic. The emotional episode "Quarterback" which honored the late actor culminated in this moving and powerful performance by real-life fiancee Lea Michele.

9. "Mine"

One of my favorite relationships on the show was that of Brittany and Santana. While the two characters did eventually *spoiler alert* get married in the 6th season, it was a long and tumultuous road to that point.

8. "Shake It Out"

The show has created some elaborate numbers, but the ones I like best are ones where it's only the actors and a few instruments playing in the background.

7. "Give Your Heart a Break"

I know we all have mixed feelings about Rachel's love interest Brody, especially since it led to another Finn/Rachel break up but either way I still really like this song.

6. "Smooth Criminal"

This is one of the best duets from the show and included the always fantastic two Cellos. The energy between Santana and Sebastion and the cellos in the background resulted in an absolutely awesome number.

5. "Gives You Hell"

Rachel sticking it to Finn with this song was pretty hilarious especially with Mr. Schuester's reaction to the performance.

4. "Poker Face"

Who doesn't love Idina Menzel? Casting her as Rachel Berry's mom was an excellent decision and it gave us this quirky rendition of Lady Gaga's "Poker Face."

3. "Somebody That I Used to Know"

Relationships with siblings aren't always the best, especially if they are arrogant, womanizing, and full of themselves like Blaine's older brother on the show. I had always listened to this song and thought of it being about a romantic relationship, but Glee gave it a whole new dynamic with this performance.

2. "Dog Days Are Over"

This Florence and the Machine hit is one of my all-time favorite songs. Imagine my delight when the show delivered this wonderful number. Not to hate on the musical talents of Rachel, but this song started a new trend where a larger number of supporting characters were chosen as the leads for songs.

1. "Rumor Has It"

I know, I know, for many of you "Don't Stop Believin'" was the best song from the show and I didn't include it in the list. I do like that song, but it got overplayed and has already gotten much recognition by other lists. For me, this mash-up of two of Adele's best songs is my favorite song from Glee.

Lastly, I hope you enjoyed my Top 20 favorite Glee songs. If you liked these, there are hundreds more, make sure to check them out!

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