When picking colleges, a lot of people try to go as far away from home as possible. Some want to explore, some want to escape, and some just want to travel.
However, I happened to find my perfect school just a quick 90 minute drive from my house. At first, I thought nothing of it; however, now as I reflect on a recent trip home, I realize how thankful I am to be able to zip home for a day or two when I need a quick break from everything.
Reflecting on my trip, I chose to highlight 20 things that make going home every once in awhile such a nice treat.
1. Pets
Seeing your dog run at you with a wagging tail is one of the best parts of coming home.
2. Sleeping in your own bed
Being able to wake up in bed and actually move without falling off is one of my favorite things
3. Home-cooked meals
As much as I am a fan of eating out, nothing beats a home-cooked meal.
4. Your mom
No matter who you meet-- no one can replace a mother's love.
5. Your dad
Everyone needs a good dad-joke every once and awhile, right?
6. Siblings
No one, and I mean no one can replace your partners in crime.
7. No shower shoes
Before college, I never thought showering in your bare feet was such a luxury.
8. No fighting for a laundry machine
Being able to plop your clothes in for a quick wash without making the trek to the basement and scouring for an open machine is such a gift we overlook.
9. Privacy
It's the little things-- actually taking a minute to be alone is one of the best things, or being in your room and knowing no one is going to barge in any minute with the latest story from the hall. Although I love the constant communication with my friends at school, it is so nice to take a minute to slow down.
10. Ditching the old dorm smell
Admit it or not, everyone's house has a smell. Getting back to the smell of your mom's fresh cooking rather than the smell of feet and axe dorm rooms often smell like is such a gift.
11. A sense of home
Whenever I go back to my hometown I feel a sense of connection and familiarity that I just don't feel anywhere else.
12. Seeing old friends
The old saying "Make new friends and keep the old ones" is so true. Although I love all my friends in college, my friends from back home hold a special place in my heart.
13. Quality sleep
Something about being home gives us better rest-- maybe it's because we are not constantly getting convinced to go out even though we are dying of lack of sleep.
14. Having a car
Taking long drives with the windows down is one of the things I didn't realize I would miss as much as I actually do.
15. Your favorite restaurant
For me personally, I love going to back to eat Rico's Acai. There is just no place in Winston that can compare to it.
16. Your own kitchen and pantry
Although it's dangerous, having a full fridge and pantry of snacks right at your disposal without using meal swipes is so underrated.
17. Lounging on your own couch
Laying back in "your spot" on your couch with your favorite blanket... This doesn't happen in college. Ever.
18. Having your own bathroom
Being able to have my own clean bathroom with ample counter space is one of the best things about going home. Plus, I can actually leave my things in there instead of having to caddie them back and forth.
19. Quality WiFi
Actually being able to stream netflix without lag-- need I say more?
20. Your parents help
Having a mom and dad to take care of you, help you with laundry, dishes, food, and basically everything is one of the best things about going home. What would we do without them?