Ever wonder what does your RA say to themselves when you are walking by them in your hallway? Well, these are the top 15 that I catch myself saying saying at least 3 times a day.
1) "Come to my social!"
Please? I spent time planning and going out to buy things...
2) "Quiet hours!"
You know the time quite hours are. Why are you yelling on the top of your lungs to the person right next to you ... in the staircase?
3) *Knock* *Knock*" "RA!"
I hear the pong balls... I hear the glasses.... Just because your door is closed does not mean I don't know what is going on.
4) "It smells funny.."
Spray yourself. I don't wanna smell you recreational hobbies.
5) "Am I on duty?"
I just checked 5 minutes ago... and I always remember when its 10 minutes before I'm supposed to sign on.
6) "Sh*t I have a staff meeting...
Why can I never remember on time I have these meetings?
7) Sh*t my bulletin Board is due??
I swear I just did one.
8) "Could you not..."
Hi, yeah... can you please not scream?... yeah can you please put that away...can you not draw dicks everywhere? could you please not touch that....
9) Why would you think that was a good idea?
Sometimes I think first years make awesome lab rats because they are always trying thing out that will never give a good ending.. but I'm glad they tried it so now I know what will happen.
10) Me:"I need to go on a round..."
*20 Mins later*
Me:"...I really need to go on a round..."
11) "Locked out?"
12) "Guys this floor meeting is mandatory"...
Everything is mandatory... I swear.