My Top 15 John Mayer Songs | The Odyssey Online
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My Top 15 John Mayer Songs

Top 15 favorite John Mayer songs of all time

My Top 15 John Mayer Songs
Brendan Coyle

John Mayer just released a new album and in my opinion it is already the best album of 2017. It has sort of a bluesy, laid-back vibe to it (which might be due to traveling with Dead and Company). Anyways, I am truly in love with the album. It has been so well documented that I appreciate John Mayer and his music more than life itself. So, to commemorate the new album and just generally to commemorate great music, I am listing my top 15 favorites from the man himself.

15. "Waiting on the World to Change"

I mean this song has some great points to it, you can't deny. This song really exemplifies the American people as a whole. We really are just waiting on the world to change for the better. Like he says "if he had the power to bring our neighbors home from war, they would have never missed a Christmas. No more ribbons on the doors."

At the time when it debuted out on the market (2006) America was stuck in Iraq and people were dying. This was a big message coming from most of the people who really wanted their family members home and not in a coffin in the ground. Then we can also look at something very relevant to today as well within the song when he says "if you trust your television, what you get is what you got, 'cus when they own the information they can bend it all they want." I mean who hasn't been a victim of over-exaggeration or even misinterpretation coming from the media outlets. So yes John we are all waiting on the world to change.

14. "Who says"

Another old one from my middle school days. Mostly, I used to like this song because it said "get stoned" (I liked it more during high school because of the rebel phase).

However, if you truly break the song down into its simplest and most bare parts then we can really see the true message... TO BE YOURSELF. Meaning who cares if you smoke, or drink, or hook up with random girls in county lines. You can even plan long trips to Japan by yourself and it doesn't matter if you go.

The important thing that this song points out is that who says you can't do the things you want to do! It is your life and you can live it like John Mayer or whoever else you want to be (for me it's John Mayer).

13. "Your Body is a Wonderland"

As a male, trying to talk to girls, I really have used lyrics to this song without even trying to because they are just that good. I mean come on "your body is a wonderland", what girl wouldn't like hearing that.

Another gem coming from this song are "Something 'bout the way your hair falls in your face. I love the shape you take when crawling towards the pillowcase", which to me gives one of the best images of a beautiful girl crawling toward her pillow and pulling her hair out her face. What girl wouldn't want a guy to notice things like that??

Last one I swear... but he says "but you look so good it hurts sometimes". Like this one for me is just something even I would want to hear. Give it up for a great lyricist in John who makes flirting look like song lyrics and vice versa.

12. "Vultures"

"Down to the wire I wanted water but I'll walk through the fire. If this is what it takes to take me even higher. Then I'll come through like I do When the world keeps testing me, testing me, testing me."

This is so great for anyone going through some tough times like I did when John was tearing it up with the John Mayer Trio. The world was testing me, I was really going through hell (the fire) , I was trying to take myself higher, but I did come through eventually. It meant the world to me then and it means a lot to me now. It has such a great sound too with his laid-back bluesy guitar. Truly one of my favorites to listen to on a bad day (or even a good one).

11. "Queen of California"

This song came out pretty recently and it was super popular during the summer of my freshman year of college. I jammed to it non stop on the way to the beach with some of my favorite people so it really does bring back some serious memories.

It is a super up-beat song with one of my favorite music videos from John Mayer. The guitar in this song really does give me life. "Hello beauty, hello strange, hello wonder what's your name." Now if you asked me the meaning to these words I really could not say for sure, but to me he is saying hello to someone who really peaks his interest and even if that's not what it means it's still a prepossessing line. John agrees (see below)

10. "My Stupid Mouth"

This song is more of a lighthearted one from his early album "Room for Squares" which was one of my favorites albums early on for sure in terms of pure quality of songs. He just talks about his mouth really getting in the way of his relationships. He says it got in the way of a date yesterday because he talked way too much and offended her. I mean who hasn't been a victim of this before?

I know on plenty of dates I have just rambled on about absolutely nothing and scared away my date for good. He also says something all too relevant for all of us. "One more thing why is it my fault? So maybe I try too hard, but it's all because of this desire I just wanna be liked I just wanna be funny. Looks like the jokes on me so call me captain backfire."

I mean for sure I have felt this many times trying to impress someone or make them laugh! Thanks again John for articulating my awkward dates into your song.

9. "Clarity"

I remember when I first heard the beat of the song, I was like "no way this is John Mayer." (yeah I actually said it, go away). Anyways the bass and the kick drum comes in and then the piano accompanies and you just sit back and enjoy.

"And I will waste no time worried 'bout no rainy weather and I will waste no time remaining in our lives together." I mean the lyrics even just left me enamored the first couple times I listened.

The alluring "oohs" throughout the song really give the calm and laid back mood and make this an instant classic.

8. "Something Like Olivia"

Honestly this song just proves that anyone can have a crush. In an interview John admitted to crushing hard on Olivia Wilde. Who the hell is this guy?! He thinks he can just write a song for someone anytime he likes them? The answer is yes.

This song is pure gold with another catchy hook and an undoubted guitar riff that just has to be John. He admits that he does see girls like Olivia from time to time, but it will never be as good as the real thing. I mean come on this guy is just a pure genius and a hopeless romantic just like all of us.

By the way in case anyone was wondering, Olivia Wilde separated with her husband shortly after the release of this song... John Mayer you homewrecker you are my hero. (Him realizing all he has to do is write a song to ruin a marriage... seen below)

7. "Dear Marie"

This is another gold song. Not just for the beautiful melody or the perfect vocals, but for the story.

Apparently Marie was a real girl... "Remember me, I’m the boy you used to love when we were fifteen. Remember me, I’m the boy you used to love when we were fifteen. Now I wonder what you think when you see me on the magazine."

SHE MESSED UP! You could have been with John Mayer and instead you messed up girl. I feel so sorry for you, but you have given us the opportunity for this divine song to come about and for that I thank you. This really is a delightful song and a great one for a chill afternoon on a front porch with some good friends.

6. "I Will be Found"

One of the sadder songs to come out of the beautiful mind of John Mayer from another great album in Paradise Valley. I mean the first line really catches you saying "it doesn't matter where you roam, when no-one's left to call you home"... wow that really hits you right in the heart. Do you really have a home if no-one is there to even call you back?

Left me speechless when I first heard it for sure. The hook as well really caught my attention. It says "I'm a little lost at sea. I'm a little birdie in a big 'ol tree. Ain't nobody lookin' for me here out on the highway." *Wipes away tear* Let's be honest everyone has felt like they are so small compared to the harsh and cruel world out there and with no-one calling you back... you truly are lost. This is one drop dead gorgeous song.

5. "Free Fallin'"

Yes this is only my #5. An original by Tom Petty redone by the amazing vocals of John Mayer makes for one of the greatest remakes of all time. The live version at Nokia Theater is my personal favorite, but an acoustic, in-studio, version could persuade me otherwise.

I really love this song for the pure fact that it explains the life of boys and girls and Americans alike. "And all the bad boys are standing in the shadows and all the good girls are at home with broken hearts." What an iconic line (originally by Tom Petty), but he makes it sound so dang good.

4. "Gravity"

You cannot be a John Mayer fan and not love this song. I mean that very seriously. It is one of the most beautiful songs in the entirety of songs ever. "Gravity is working against me, and gravity wants to bring me down."

The first lines really just make you want to roll up into a ball and cry. This song has so much passion and heart oozing from it that it is hard to really wrap your head around the fact that it is only 4 minutes long. I pretty much cannot listen to this song once. It is like eating pistachios... but with your ears. Thank you Mr. John Clayton Mayer for this beautiful contribution to my life. Also... "Gravity stay the Hell away from me"

3. "Stop this Train"

This song is one of the deepest, most thought-provoking songs ever written. As soon as you think that you have gotten the song it gets one level deeper... INCEPTION. Anyways, for me this is such a sweet melody. The first line blew me away and I know for a fact I have seen this on a tattoo... "No I'm not colorblind... I know the world is black and white." Can we take a moment and just applaud this man? (I clapped... yes by myself).

What a beautiful line to listen to and really draw the listeners in. Then he uses the imagery of a train to signify life and says throughout the song he wishes it to stop so he can go back, but finally he realizes he doesn't want his "train" to stop and go back but to continue on and be lived... Come on you just cannot be able to be this deep. There are so many other lines I could go into, but just go and listen trust me. Another classic perfect for any day, anywhere, with anyone.

2. "Daughters"

Anyone with any knowledge of life in general knows this song. This was another song played during the days of the John Mayer Trio and it is an amazing one. "I know a girl. She puts the color inside of my world." I mean come on people. How beautiful of a line do you want??

However, this girl he says is "just like a maze" because she cannot open up. So, he tells fathers to be good to their daughters so that they can give their whole heart and be able to give and accept love. This beautiful, amazing, stupendous, song can only be topped by one other song in my opinion...

1. "Slow Dancing in a Burning Room"

First off... I WILL dance to this song at my wedding. Yes, it does speak about eventually burning up, but in my opinion the slow dancing is life. So, really what it means to me is we will slow dance through life and eventually we will die together as our love finally burns out along with our lives.

UGH!! What a beautiful and heart-wrenching song to slow dance to or even just listen to after a long night. I have used this song many times to explain life as well as to make myself go to sleep. It is just the most perfect song and honestly I could not have picked a better #1.

Honorable Mentions: "The entirety of his new album," "Wildfire," "Who you love" (even though screw Katy Perry), "No such thing," "Say," "Why Georgia," "Dreaming with a broken heart," "Half of my heart," "Heartbreak Warfare," "Shadow Days," "Heart of life," "Perfectly lonely," "Paper Doll," and "XO."

John Mayer truly is a great and powerful artist with a voice that could kill and looks to match. Amazingly his songs don't grow old, but rather grow into more powerful and meaningful parts of your life. Thank you John Clayton Mayer, you have made my life so much better with your songs.

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