Top 15 Disney Channel Original Movies -- 1997 To 2007
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Top 15 Disney Channel Original Movies -- 1997 To 2007

Which DCOMs fall into your top 15 picks?

Top 15 Disney Channel Original Movies -- 1997 To 2007
The Daily Campus

To celebrate the upcoming release of it's 100th DCOM, Disney Channel hosted a mega-marathon featuring 51 of its original movies over Memorial Day weekend. Uh, can you say "impressive"? On behalf of all 90s kids, I would like to state that the best DCOMs were released between the years 1997 and 2007. I have listed my top 15 picks below in a countdown...

15. "Now You See It…"

Type: Disney Channel Original Movie

Premiere Date: Friday, January 14, 2005

Writer’s Thoughts: When I was young, I was partial to magic tricks. It should come as no surprise that I devoured "Now You See It..."

14. "Eddie’s Million Dollar Cook-Off"

Type: Disney Channel Original Movie

Premiere Date: Friday,July 18, 2003

Writer’s Thoughts: Both as a child and as an adult, I was/am able to appreciate the role reversals toyed with in "Eddie's Million Dollar Cook-Off." A boy in the kitchen, a girl on the field. The fact that both had to hide their true passions from their parents was heart-breaking. However, in true Disney fashion, it all works out in the end!

13. "Jump In"

Type: Disney Channel Original Movie

Premiere Date: Friday, January 12, 20017

Writer’s Thoughts: Five words: Corbin Bleu donning gym attire…Yes? Yes!

12. "Cadet Kelly"

Type: Zoog Disney Channel Movie

Premiere Date: Friday, March 8, 2002

Writer’s Thoughts: I wish I could say the sole reason I fell in love with "Cadet Kelly" was the incredible plot. However, this is not the case. Hilary Duff, her super-hot crush, and the amazing dance number are what sealed the deal for me! Don’t judge!!! I am now able to appreciate the film itself, which is what truly matters…Still, that guy is super-hot!

11. "The Ultimate Christmas Present"

Type: Zoog Disney Channel Movie

Premiere Date: Friday, December 1, 2000

Writer’s Thoughts: The month of December is by far my favorite time of year. Why? 1) ‘Tis the season, duh! 2) My birthday falls on the fifth day. Are you forming a connection, yet? My [almost] five year old self was psyched beyond belief that a Christmas themed DCOM was to be released just days before my birthday! "The Ultimate Christmas Present" was beyond satisfying, as it fulfilled my need for a dose of X-mas spirit, and it made me feel like a super-duper special birthday girl!

10. "Twitches"

Type: Disney Channel Original Movie

Premiere Date: Friday, October 14, 2005

Writer’s Thoughts: Go "Twitches," Go "Twitches!"

9. "Pixel Perfect"

Type: Disney Channel Original Movie

Premiere Date: Friday, January 16, 2004

Writer’s Thoughts: Other than stating the fact that it is absolutely amazing, what can I say about "Pixel Perfect?!"

8. "Motocrossed"

Type: Zoog Disney Channel Movie

Premiere Date: Friday, February 16, 2001

Writer’s Thoughts: It is heavily due to "Motocrossed" that I developed my “I-am-a-feminist-hear-me-roar!” attitude. Despite the fact that she is constantly reminded that she is “just a girl,” Andrea ‘Andy’ Carson pursues her passion for motocross under the guise of her injured twin brother, Andrew ‘Andy’ Carson. She not only wins a major title and sponsorship, but the respect of hundreds—including her (at first) unsupportive father. Andy made me feel as though I can be anyone or do anything, and I continue to live with that mindset.

7. "Quints"

Type: Zoog Disney Channel Movie

Premiere Date: Friday, August 18, 2000

Writer’s Thoughts: Aside from the unique storyline, the thing that impressed me most about "Quints" was the fact that a woman could carry five fetuses inside of her at one time. What?!

6. "Smart House"

Type: Zoog Disney Channel Movie

Premiere Date: Saturday, June 26, 1999

Writer’s Thoughts: If you say you did not want your own "Smart House," you are a filthy liar!

5. "Under Wraps"

Type: Zoog Disney Channel Movie

Premiere Date: Saturday, October 25, 1997

Writer’s Thoughts: My family and I could not let a single Halloween pass us by without having watched "Under Wraps"at least once! It is the perfect combination of hysterical antics and child-friendly scares. I was also rather fond of the romantic entanglement between the two mummies…What? True love is true love, no matter how long you and your significant other have been deceased!

4. "Don’t Look Under the Bed"

Type: Zoog Disney Channel Movie

Premiere Date: Saturday, October 9, 1999

Writer’s Thoughts: An eccentric, yet compelling film, "Don't Look Under the Bed" was another holiday classic in the McCloskey household! I can recall my father and elder brother becoming inspired by the movie, as they discovered a new form of torture. They took turns hiding beneath my bed (for God only knows how long). When I was least expecting it, they would grab my ankles and scream, “DON’T LOOK UNDER THE BED!” I was not quite four years old, so this was quite terrifying! However, it did not ebb my passion for the film.

3. "Halloweentown"

Type: Zoog Disney Channel Movie

Premiere Date: Saturday, October 17, 1998

Writer’s Thoughts: One word: perfection! It was—and still is—impossible not to lose myself in the whimsical town of Halloween. As All Hallows’ Eve is my second favorite time of the year, "Halloweentown" was—and still is—a dream come true.

2. "The Cheetah Girls"

Type: Disney Channel Original Movie

Premiere Date: Friday, August 15, 2003

Writer’s Thoughts: Ahh…just thinking about "The Cheetah Girls" brings back so many memories! My two best girl-friends and I spent many-many-many hours alternating between watching and reenacting the film, or choreographing musical numbers to the soundtrack. “Girl Power” was our signature song, and it later became an actual dance number for our Jazz routine! On a random side note, my beautiful sister was born exactly one year from the release date of "The Cheetah Girls"…


[Drumroll, please!]


1. "High School Musical"

Type: Disney Channel Original Movie

Premiere Date: Friday, January 20, 2006

Writer’s Thoughts: Like many 90s children, "High School Musical" played a large role in my life. It signified the tail end of my childhood and the beginning of my teen years. In many ways, the film and its sequels shaped me into the young woman I now am. I am eternally grateful! HSM will always hold a special place in my heart!

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