We are all a fan of something. Everyone has that one obsession that just consumes them and they never fall out of love with it. "But Seth, what is a fandom?" Well, a fandom is a book series, show, anime, comic, or some other form of entertainment that has a cult of adoring fans - who will either admit it or not - following their every interaction with the outside world. So, in the spirit of Halloween and everyone dressing up, I give you: "The Top 14 Nerdiest Fandoms".
14. Harry Potter
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The best fantasy film franchise in history is also one of my favorite book series ever! I have read all the Harry Potter books seven times! Thank you J.K Rowling!
13. Disney
From princesses to mice with gloves, Disney may have the biggest fan base of any fandom known to man.
12. Once Upon A Time
This new spin on Fairy Tales has captured the hearts of millions since 2011!
11. Star Wars
There was a point in my life where I could quote every line of the Original Trilogy.
10. Doctor Who
We all need some "wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey stuff" every now and again!
9. Game of Thrones
I've never been a fan of Game of Thrones, but everybody else seems to have gotten the memo!
8. Lord of the Rings
I love Lord of the Rings. I'm not as well versed in it as other things I love but my twitter handle is @hobbitinaUKhat, if that counts for anything.
7. Star Trek
There is a wonderful universe within Star Trek! I have seen every episode of the Original Series and have my own blue shirt!
6. Detective Comics
Better villains.
5. Marvel Comics
Better heroes.
4. Nightmare Before Christmas
It takes a special person to love Tim Burton. I can be that person depending on what mood I'm in, but my sweetheart has a special place in her heart for Mr. Skellington.
3. Battlestar Galactica
So now we are transitioning into the super nerd-tastic stuff. Battlestar Galactica is for those people who can't find love in Star Wars or Star Trek and need to be eradicated.
2. World of Warcraft
I used to know some guys that went batty over WOW. I never got into it myself, but the guys and girls that play it have their own little universe.
1. My Little Pony
I think everyone knows at least one "Bronie" - that is, a guy who enjoys watching My Little Pony. They are a strange people... But, you do you! Be strange!
Everyone geeks out about something! So whatever it is, nerd loud and proud, my friends! Grab your lightsabers, wands, gaming computers, Segas, Dreamcasts, phasers, or Princess dresses and go forth!
And remember:
"The Force will be with you always." - Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi