Top 12 Horror Movies for Halloween 2k16 | The Odyssey Online
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Top 12 Horror Movies for Halloween 2k16

12 movies for a ~spooktacular~ marathon this Halloween!

Top 12 Horror Movies for Halloween 2k16
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With Halloween just around the corner, it’s time to whip out the decorative pumpkins and Skellingtons. But what Halloween is complete without a horror movie marathon? That’s right folks, grab some popcorn and brace yourselves, it’s time for 12 of the scariest movies this Halloween.

1. The Shining (1980)

It is an adaptation of "The Shining" by Stephen King. It’s an all time favorite of mine, and if you haven’t already read it, do it now! Is the movie as amazing as the book? No. But the movie is pretty darn good. This is a must watch for Halloween and any horror movie marathon in general.

2. Scream (1996)

This movie led to the massive Scream franchise that we know of today, but by far, this is better than all of the succeeding movies (because the OG is always awesome). It’s been on my must watch list for a while, and even though I haven’t fully watched the movie, every horror fanatic I have ever met raves about this movie.

3. The Exorcist (1973)

The Exorcist is a classic movie and is a 10/10 in my book. Sure it doesn’t have the flashy effects and soundtracks that modern movies have, but so what? It has true suspense and horror, without relying on cheesy effects. I definitely recommend you to watch this!

4. The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005)

This is practically my go to movie for whenever I’m in the mood for a good horror movie. It has everything you want in a horror movie (possession, demons, scariness.. You get the picture) and more. Based on a true story, this movie is a must watch for all those who want a true scare.

5. The Blair Witch Project (1999)

Setting the tone for many modern movies, The Blair Witch Project has inspired many great first person camera based horror films. Being the first of it’s kind, it is truly a uniquely scary film which is perfect for setting the tone for Halloween.

6. The Babadook (2014)

YOU HAVE TO GO WATCH THIS RIGHT NOW. I must confess, I watched this movie a few weeks ago with a really close friend of mine and we were scared beyond belief. It is a brilliantly crafted film with an unbelievable story behind it. You absolutely have to make time to watch this movie because Oh. My. God. It is the best modern horror film I have ever seen.

7. Sinister (2012)

Yes, I know, this movie can’t compare to the other movies due to its overly used clichés but it redeems itself by its smart film-making and production. With a new take to horror, it’s a perfect match for Halloween.

8. Poltergeist (1982)

Poltergeist is also a classic and is definitely as good, or even better than The Exorcist. It was recently remade with a more modern design, but truth be told, I prefer the older one. This movie has amazing suspense and I can’t wait to watch it again.

9. Coraline (2009)

To change things up a notch, here’s a creepy animated film which is a must watch. Coraline brings a new take to horror, by bringing the fear of dolls to life. I really love this film, and I think it’d be enjoyable for you guys too! It’s definitely a change from the classic live action horror films.

10. We are still here (2015)

With its simple style of filmmaking, this movie shows that you don’t need fancy editing and music to produce horror. It may not have the jump scares that you are looking for, but it has the suspense and hook needed to keep you watching till the very end. I personally really liked this movie due to its simplistic style of horror, and I think you will too!

11. Anabelle (2014)

True to its nature, Anabelle is a truly scary movie. It takes the fear of dolls and possession to a whole new level. With a fascinating true story behind it and good acting, this movie is easily comparable to a classic. This is a great casual horror film, loaded with suspense and jump scares, so make sure it’s on your watch list!

12. A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)

Saving one of the best classics for last, A Nightmare on Elm Street can almost be considered the founder of horror movies. With a slasher take on horror, this iconic movie is perfect for Halloween! It sets the mood for Halloween, as well as any horror movie night. THIS IS A MUST WATCH.

So there you go! Have a fangtastic Halloween everyone :)

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