Finals week is a stressful time.
You feel as though there isn't enough coffee in the world to keep you awake.
Bathroom breaks = phone breaks. The light at the end of tunnel is being on break for 3 weeks. When finals have you at the breaking point, these are the top 11 ways to stay calm and pass your finals.
1. Don't pull an all nighter.
Even after months of dedication and hard work, success or failure, in a college class hinges on one single heavily weighted assignment.... the final. Brains that are drained don't retain information, or recall it well.
2. Stay active
Exercise boosts the blood flow to the brain, and sitting in one place for an extended period of time leads to a tired and ill mind. Going for a short walk or doing crunches. Activities that you can do keep the blood flow during this critical part of the semester.
3. Eat well
As much as a bag of Cheetos sounds appealing, it's not the best brain food. Processed carbohydrates leave you feeling lethargic. Instead, eat foods that digest slowly: fresh vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.
4. Silence your social media
What, but how am I going to know what Julia from back home is doing? Don't worry, her post isn't going away. By turning social media off, a brain is able to focus more because there are no distractions.
5. Divide and conquer
No one eats a cow in one bite. Divide the material into manageable chunks, and spread out the units over the number of days you have to study.
6. Focus on the focus
Every class has a focus: the key points that the professor is most eager that you learned. Rather than reviewing all the material of the course, study up on the most central topics.
7. Don't "inter-study"
Don't divide study sessions amongst different subjects. 40 minutes for psychology, 25 minutes for biology, and 30 minutes for chemistry, then back to psychology. If you spend the entire two hour session on psychology, not only will you gain a deeper understanding of the material, but you'll get into the zone of studying that field.
8. Use all the resources
Make sure that you have considered all the materials of the course. Lectures, notes, discussions, readings, homework, quizzes and tests. Professors expect you to be on top of all that went on in the course.
9. Do the samples
Many professors are worried that their students are going to fail the final. Which makes the professor look bad. Advanced information is given out sometimes, like examples of test questions, a study guide or study questions. These materials aren't just general hints, they contain the actual questions that are going to appear on the test. Whenever you get sample questions, do the actual questions or problems. You'll be amazed with how much this helps.
10. Use the freebies
Many professors offer substantial in person help the week of exams. Especially in larger courses, there are review sessions and extra office hours. Sometimes the professor is available by phone or email.
11. Breathe
Exams are a stressful time of the year. Take time away from studying and just relax. You'll feel better once you do it. Then, once you feel ready start studying again.