'Tis the season for greek letters carved into pumpkins and cobwebs strung upon the balconies of college students. The time when seeing a human-sized fruit sitting at the bus stop and a superhero running across the street is a norm. The weekend when the population of JMU is tripled, with crowds of people swarming the street. Welcome back Halloween, it's great to see you again. Here are 11 of the most popular costumes I spotted this Halloweekend.
1. Aliens
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Welcome to the costumes of bodies decked out in glitter, intense make-up, and neon/ galaxy themed leggings. This year, aliens were embraced and celebrated with costumes celebrating the extraterrestrial life, and it was out of this world, needless to say.
2. Harley Quinn
Harley Quinn seemed to be a hit this year. Ladies all over dressed up in the fishnet tights, pigtails, and crazy make-up, because, after-all, Harley Quinn was a little crazy.
3. The Purge
These costumes were intense, with a hints of scary, yet scandalous twists. Many people wore these chilling masks, and put a twist on the Purge characters outfits, with white/ black bodycon dresses or skirts, and fake blood on their bodies. Not going to lie, when I first saw one of these outfits, chills definitely went up my spine.
4. Zombies
Torn up white t-shirts, teased hair, and fake blood - the zombie look killed, and groups of zombies were quite popular this year.
5. Ken Bone
I spotted several Ken Bone look-a-likes on the sidewalks, with red sweaters, white ties, khaki pants, glasses, and a mustache. This man became a hit at one of the presidential debates, which made him a go-to character to dress up as this Halloween.
6. Stanley Cup
This was definitely the go-to couple costume of the year, because what girl doesn't want to be put on a pedestal by her man?
7. Stranger Things
This Netflix series took people by storm, and even though it's only eight episodes long, it was a Netflix hit. This made it a popular costume of this year's Halloween, with people dressing up as the Christmas lights strung around the room, and Eleven, the mysterious child.
8. Mean Girls clique
This is a go-to costume... every year. Mean Girls will never die down, and especially as a common costume idea. People either strutted the mouse, bunny, or cat costume that Regina George, Karen, and Gretchen wore to their Halloween party, or people dressed up in the typical "we only wear pink on Wednesday's" idea. And, of course, we can't forget the "she doesn't even go here" outfit.
9. Angel and Devil
Heaven and hell, it's the typical outfit that's quick and easy to put together, and it gets the job done.
10. Fruit... yes fruit
This food group was definitely a hit this year for costumes. An over sized t-shirt with fruit drawn on it, or purple balloons taped around your body to represent grapes, it was a typical, yet fun costume.
11. Presidential candidates
Of course, who could forget the main part of 2016? Trump and Clinton. This year was consumed in politics, so why not dress up as the nominees for this holiday?