The top 11 dorm room essentials this winter:
Winter can be harsh and often demotivating. Who wants to trudge to the commons in the freezing cold, simply for a mediocre dinner in the dining hall? Instead of bundling up in your texting gloves, your heavy jacket, and an infinity scarf every night this winter, you can adorn yourself in your favorite set of pajamas and Ugg slippers, and stay in— but only if you stock up on winter essentials:
1. Hot chocolate mix (with mini marshmallows, of course).
2. A huge bottle of wine.
3. Easy Mac to satisfy your cravings.
4. Pizza Rolls—always a guilty pleasure.
5. Some close friends!
6. A heating pad.
6. Snow man cookies—they’re even better when you don’t have an oven in your dorm room to bake them!
7. An unlimited number of movies for the nights that “below freezing” just isn't worth going out.
8. An extra long phone charger to text your friends off of your near-dead iPhone while snuggling up next to your computer.
9. An abundance of Kleenex tissues for the awful cold that winter curses us all with.
10. Lysol wipes for when you overcome that cursed cold, only to have your sneezing friend ask to sit on your bed.
11. A drawer full of basics to keep warm: trendy earmuffs, gloves, snow boots and a five pound jacket for when you finally work up the courage to make the journey to the commons.
And just remember, spring is a around the corner!