Girls do a lot of weird things compared to their male counterparts. While this list isn't all-encompassing, I feel it does represent a lot of the girls that will read this article. So, here are the top ten weird things that girls do.
1. Steal Shirts Because It Smells Like Their Boyfriend
What are you? Dogs? Like I would get it if you said you liked larger clothing, but the number one response is always "because it smells like him." However, this doesn't even make sense because most times girls steal clean clothing so it doesn't even smell like their boyfriend...It smells like whatever laundry detergent his mom uses.
2. Complain About Hunger Without a Solution
This is so cliche that I almost didn't mention it, but the simple fact is that it's true. If the government had a dollar for every time a girl complained about being hungry without knowing what they wanted, there would be no national debt.... or taxes for that matter. Like don't complain about something if you aren't willing to be part of the solution or at least have an idea of what the solution is.
3. Going to the Bathroom Together
What could you possibly be doing in there that you need 2+ people? I'm not sure about y'all, but the way boys are potty trained is by themselves. You're grown adults, you don't need a battle buddy to go pee.
4. Stress Over Pictures/Selfies
If you have boyfriend, then you also have a photographer. However, if you had a real photographer, he'd quit within the hour because no girl ever has gotten the right picture on the first try. Then it takes a mathematical formula to post it to Instagram.
5. Hold Each Other's Hair When You Puke
I get it, you don't want puke in your hair. However, girls take it to another level. Like most girls act honored when they hold another girl's hair. Like girls seriously bond over this.
6. Take Forever to Get Ready
There is only so many things you can do to yourself in a bathroom, yet girls find away to make that take a life time and a half. Take a page out of the Man Bible. Guys wake up with the same game plan every day: Shit, Shower, Shave and put on their clothes. Most guys can do this in about 20 minutes, if that.
7. Craft
Girl Logic: Why buy it for $10 when I can craft it myself for $50 plus 8 hours of my own free time?
8. Dress Up for Class
None of your clothes look comfy.... like at all. No guy is going to blame you for wearing sweats and a hoodie to class. We're all suffering together, may as well be comfortable.
9. Friend Zone Guys
Just don't do it. No person ever has ever walked out of the friend zone unscathed. It's seriously just a vice for girls in crappy relationships. Instead of putting some poor soul in the friend zone to make up for your shitty boyfriend, just break up with that scrub and move on to the guy that is actually treating you right. Just think of how annoyed you would be if your boyfriend constantly hung out with some girl who wasn't you.
10. Freak Out About Fall
Girls have some sort of weird fetish with the fall. From pumpkin spice lattes to being able to dress in layers, girls literally get lady boners over the fall. Just tone it down a bit.