It is early November, so you know what that means! Christmas is just around the corner! (I know it’s not Thanksgiving yet, don’t be a Grinch.) If you are like me, you will have a lot of Christmas shopping to do, and you do not want to spend that much. So here is my list of the top 10 coolest Christmas gifts under 25 dollars.
1.Super Magnetic Putty - $15
Whenever you feel stressed or just want to play with something weird, this super substance will unwind you and give you something to do when bored!
2. 1980’s Slang Poster - $25
Because words like “YOLO” and “SWAG” are too mainstream! Get this for a new spin on slang with words like “Valley Girl” or “Radical!”
3. Buzz Personal Massager - $20
Remember when these things used to be EVERYWHERE? Well, they still are! These deliver the perfect massage anywhere on your body!
4. Beanie Foam Pillow - $10
These pillows are more fun to sleep on and more fun to play catch with!
5. Ductigami: The Art of the Tape - $23
Any of you like duck tape bags or duck tape anything really? Here is your ultimate guide to anything duck tape!
6. Rock-it 3.0 - $20
This is a portable speaker that’ll stick to any surface and brighten up the atmosphere in the room with music!
7. Blow Dart Gun - $12
There’s not much to explain for this one. Don’t worry, they are not really darts!
8. Airzooka Air Gun - $13
This fancy gadget blows a gush of air into your friends. Perfect for any hot day!
9. Custom Mobile Phone Case- $25
For a low price, you can have a photo of your family, your dog, or even of your favorite sports team printed onto a phone case at high quality!
10. An Adult-Sized Onesie- $20 - $25
Remember wearing these as a kid and how comfy they were? They make them for adults now! Gives you a comfy sleep on a cold night!
Good luck Christmas shopping everyone!