Top 10 Ways People From Wisconsin Know I Am From Illinois | The Odyssey Online
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Top 10 Ways People From Wisconsin Know I Am From Illinois

Recognizing the out-of-state-ness

Top 10 Ways People From Wisconsin Know I Am From Illinois

The University of Wisconsin-Madison attracts students from many different states, such as California, Minnesota, and Illinois. This array of students makes meeting new people more interesting and even provides the foundation for some great conversation starters, but if you are from Illinois, such as myself, the people that call Wisconsin home are able to identify our out-of-state-ness with ease. Although neighboring states, Illinois and Wisconsin have a sort of rivalry, whether it be arguing over the Bears and Packers, or the University of Illinois vs. the University of Wisconsin. Upon arriving at Madison, I quickly became aware of some of the key differences between those of us from Illinois and those from Wisconsin. Below are the top 10 ways that people from Wisconsin can tell that I am indeed from Illinois.

  • Being shocked at how nice everyone is in Wisconsin.

I am well aware of the “Mid-Western hospitality”, but its prevalence in Wisconsin does seem to trump that of Illinois. Whether it is asking for directions or just general questions about Madison, the people from Wisconsin are always happy to help and even to prolong polite small talk into a full fledged conversation.

  • Not being able to identify different types of cheese.

Everyone knows that cheese is a big deal in Wisconsin, but I was surprised to realize the true extent of cheese knowledge here. To my own embarrassment, I, on multiple occasions, have had trouble identifying which type of cheese I want on my sandwich in the dining hall. More often than not, I refer to Provolone cheese as the, “white circular one”, or to Cheddar cheese cubes as simply, “the yellow cheese”. This lack of cheese knowledge is comical to my Wisconsin friends, as many of them participated in cheese eating and identifying contests at their local high schools. The university even offers its own cheese club where members meet to taste a multitude of different cheeses. Hopefully by the time I graduate from Madison I will have expanded my cheese knowledge to meet Wisconsin’s caliber.

3. Never hearing the term “bubbler” used when referencing a water fountain.

The first time I heard someone refer to the water fountain as the bubbler was my first day of college in the hallway of my dorm. Understandably confused, I had to ask for clarification about what exactly the bubbler was and where I could find one. This inevitably lead to a conservation over whether or not it was normal to call the water fountain the bubbler or not. Just the use of a simple word was able to create a quick and easy distinction between myself and the girls from Wisconsin on my floor.

4. Getting overly hyped up when talking about Chicago.

Make fun of us all you want, but Chicago is quite the city. Madison is great, but I will continue to take every chance I get to brag about the Sears Tower or Lakeshore drive. I even will go as far to show my Wisconsin friends pictures of the beautiful skyline from past trips to the city. Being from the suburbs of Chicago, I have grown accustomed to telling people that I am from Chicago, strategically leaving the suburb part out of the picture,as most of us do. Chicago is much more appealing and exciting than trying to describe to someone not from Illinois what exactly “Burr Ridge” is.

5. Needing clarification on which team is “we”, when people ask,“Did we win today?”

Although I can be considered a “traitor” in the city of Chicago because of my fan allegiance to the Green Bay Packers, most all Wisconsin students I have come across in my time here at Madison are die-hard Packers fans. When people ask me if “we” won today or what time “we” are playing, it took me some getting used to in order to realize that everyone was referencing the Packers. There is obviously a large fan base for the Bears in Chicago, but there is also a more diverse group of football fans. If someone in Chicago were to ask if “we” won today, they could be talking about the Bears, the Vikings, or maybe even the Colts. After being scrutinized for my love for the Packers back home in Illinois, it is refreshing to be surrounded by a community that bleeds yellow and green.

6. What is Friday Night Fish Fry?

Apparently, Friday Night Fish Fry is all the hype in Wisconsin. It is very common for people from Wisconsin to attend restaurants, churches, and even high schools on Friday nights to enjoy some fried fish and fries. The tradition took its root during lent because certain religious groups could not eat meat on Fridays, therefore turning to fish fry as their dose of protein. I have certainly enjoyed my fair share of “Fish n’ Chips”, but it is definitely not a weekly tradition in Illinois. The friends I have made in my dorm are determined to show us Illinois kids, my roommate and I, the full Fish Fry Friday experience to solidify our new transition into the Wisconsin way of life.

7. The look of pure shock when I say I have never eaten at Culvers.

It may come as a shock, but I have yet to taste the butter burgers or wide array of milkshakes provided at Culvers. Culvers for Wisconsin kids holds value equivalent to that of Portillos in Illinois. Culvers seems to be the go-to fast food joint of choice after a cold football game or long day. Despite the praises the Wisconsin students give to Culvers, I am not yet convinced that it will surpass the quality of Portillos.

8. Being surprised that I can underage drink in bars….as long as I’m in the company of my parents.

My first bar experience was spent in Wisconsin with the company of my family. By this point, I had grown accustomed to the fact that my whole family could enjoy wine or beer, while I, the only under aged member of my family, would resort to ordering a standard iced tea. Being appalled the first time my dad asked, “Hey Nat, would you like a glass of wine?” right in front of the waiter’s face, I was informed of the unique drinking rule in Wisconsin. Unfortunately, this rule would not fly in Illinois, so when I enjoy family dinners over break back home in Illinois, iced tea will continue to be my drink of choice.

9. People from Wisconsin do not understand my family’s struggle to get Spotted Cow to enjoy back home.

My older sister’s, being an alumni of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, all time favorite beer is Spotted Cow. This poses a unique challenge because this particular beer is only brewed and sold in Wisconsin. In order to enjoy a refreshing Spotted Cow with her friends, she has one of two options. Option number one consists of driving down to Madison and ordering Spotted Cow at the KK or just about any other bar of choice. The second option requires a bit more work. In order to obtain Spotted Cow and to enjoy it in Illinois, she would have to drive down to Wisconsin, purchase the Spotted Cow, and drive it back to Illinois. As you can see, for all the beer fanatics in Illinois, it takes significant effort to have the privilege of sipping on a Spotted Cow while watching Sunday night football. If a case of Spotted Cow ever does make it to our fridge back home, it is savored and treated with care.

10. Being referred to as “F.I.B.” s, especially when it comes to driving.

According to the people of Wisconsin, people from Illinois are just about the worst drivers on the face of the Earth. The stereotype reads that if you are driving down a road and a car zooms past you or if some car is really riding your back that, “Oh, they must be from Illinois”. People from Wisconsin have even granted a special nickname for Illinois drivers known as a “F.I.B.”. Which, if you are familiar with the acronym, is quite the diss to the driving habits of people from Illinois.

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