For those of you who are like me, you know that change, especially big change, is one of the hardest things to deal with. You become comfortable with the idea of security and consistency so when it comes time for a turn in your set plan, it is not an easy adjustment. Moving into college is a scary change because it is the first time a majority of people are living on their own and having to take care of themselves, but there is are ways for you to avoid that empty feeling of not being at home.
1. Become comfortable with your roommate.
We have all heard the stories of bad roommates. Sometimes you get stuck with someone who does not shower or does not clean up their stuff and if you are someone who is used to being organized and clean, this can pose some problems. It sometimes even causes you to feel like you miss the small concept of being in a clean environment at home. Being comfortable with your roommate allows you to talk to them about pretty much anything; cleaning habits, boys/girls, life, classes, work, etc. This can make the adjustment easier on you because you have someone to vent to when you are missing home a little extra.
2. Keep pictures from your favorite memories.
Pictures can be a fun way to remind yourself of happier times which in turn can lead to putting you in a better mood. Cover your walls in all of your pictures. There is no limit as to how many pictures you can put up, unless you run out of wall space of course. Tell your roommate all about the pictures and show them all of your good memories that you had with your friends and family back at home. It will hurt that you are not there at the moment but thinking about good times can help tremendously.
3. Keep a journal.
Keeping a journal is literally one of the best remedies for anything. Having a bad day? Write about it. Having a good day? Don’t forget the moment, write it down. Sad? Happy? Frustrated? Anxious? Write about it. Journals help with all types of moods.
4. Call your parents!!
There is nothing wrong with reaching out to them to talk to them. Hearing their voices can be calming and reassuring that everything is going to be okay. Let them know how much you miss them and plan all of your exciting adventures for when you get home. They will be so excited to hear from you.
5. Find campus activities.
This one is a given. Go find activities around school that will help you get your mind off of the sadness that you are feeling at the moment. There is always something going on somewhere. Whether it is something as simple as a guest lecturer or tie-dying t-shirts in your school’s quad, there is something for everyone to do. Trust me, go to things like this because it really does help.
6. Get involved in a sport, club, or organization.
This one is something that whether you are homesick or not I feel as though everyone should do. Being a part of sports or organizations on campus helps give the full college experience. Pick up a new sport that you were always too scared to try in high school or join Greek life if your school offers it because it is a great way to get involved and keep your mind off of missing home.
7. Party.
Simple as that. Not everyone enjoys doing this so this is not for everyone but for those of you who are like me, going out with your friends and having a few drinks never hurts. It is a great way to not think about home or how sad you are because the party vibe is always positive energy and good vibes. If you were not one to party at home maybe give it a try at college. You never know if it might be something you might enjoy doing.
8. Netflix. Lots and lots of Netflix.
Let me tell you, Netflix has solved more problems in people’s lives than you could possibly imagine. Binge watching your favorite show or even a new one while enjoying some easy mac or ramen is always a great idea. It is good on rainy and sunny days. If you are feeling down, open the laptop, pick a show, cook up some good old easy mac and shut the world out for a few hours.
9. Meditation and yoga.
Don’t bash it till you try it. Meditating is a great way to calm your nerves and relax. Coming from someone who has anxiety and panic attacks, I can personally tell you when I was missing home after moving into school, this was one of my favorite ways to calm down and get my mind off of being homesick for a little while.
10. Engulf yourself in college.
Keep yourself busy at all times. Always have something to do with your time to avoid having a lot of empty time to overthink. The more free time you have while homesick, the more likely you are to think about how sad you are to be away from home.
I promise it gets easier. Give it some time and you will most likely realize how much you love the independence and freedom. If not, college isn’t for everyone but don’t give up too easily. Fight through the first few days and I promise you’ll look back at it as a memory and realize how much you truly love it there.