If The Top 10 Michigan Colleges Were Alcohol
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If The Top 10 Michigan Colleges Were Alcohol

What school should you attend based on off of your favorite drink?

If The Top 10 Michigan Colleges Were Alcohol
Bridge MI

College students in Michigan study hard and party harder. Each university I've visited has seemed to have it's own "taste" and feel. I decided to compare the top ten universities in Michigan to different types of alcohol, based on the cost of attendance, geographical positioning, parties, and other factors. Which school should you attend based off of your favorite drink?

1. University of Michigan - Patron

U of M is the school that most people in the state strive to go to. Unfortunately, only a small percentage of students actually get accepted or can even afford the tuition. Once you are in college, everyone that doesn't go here seems to despise the school because the students are "stuck up" and think they're better than everyone else just because they rep the Maize and Blue every day. When these students party at other schools they seem to leave a bad after taste in the room. Usually, most people want them - and their country club outfits - gone quicker than they arrived.

2. Michigan State University - Jose Cuervo

U of M's little brother school and cheaper alternative. It houses it's big brother's rejected students and a ton of regrets. This school parties hard and the nights often end in blacking out somewhere unfamiliar in East Lansing. This school is known for its crazy shenanigans, just like how it's chosen liquor can create some wild times.

3. Wayne State University - 5 O'Clock Vodka

The party school in Detroit that every college student seems to forget about. Whenever I've been here, it's been a bunch of lone drinkers looking to get messed up quickly and cheaply in order to drown their sorrows of not going to an actual party school. Everyone seems to just black out to actually make the parties somewhat enjoyable.

4. Michigan Technological University - Fireball Whiskey

Michigan Tech is in a little town called Houghton across the Mackinac Bridge. It gets beyond cold up there and the students must drink liquor that burns their throats in order to withstand the winter. If you ever get the chance to take an adventure to the U.P. during school, stop here. Be prepared for a good time because these folks really know how to party.

5. Western Michigan University - El Toro

U of M and MSU's younger cousin is a place that just seems to go nuts every weekend. For the students, it's a nice cheaper alternative to MSU with the same party atmosphere. Their slogan really should be, "Party hard and black out harder." Bad things always seem to happen at parties here. Some of the things just seem to leave a horrible taste in your mouth and make your stomach queasy.

6. Calvin College - Hamm's Beer

Since I've never heard of this school, I matched it with a cheap beer that only a few people like. It seems like this school might have an "acquired taste" that only a few people can stand.

7. Grand Valley State University - Ciroc

Located just outside of one of the biggest up and coming cities in Michigan, GVSU seems to be the school that everyone wants to go to. Grand Rapids has everything you could need and the town seems to have a touch of class. It's top shelf, but still on the cheaper end. The parties are a blast and the school community is one of the nicest in the state. The only problem with GVSU is that it isn't nearly on the same level as SVSU - GO CARDS!

8. Eastern Michigan University - Burnett's

When students drop out of one college and transfer to another, they might choose to go here. They hope to escape from the drinking at parties, but end up drinking cheap liquor alone. The sports here suck, too, so there really is no point in drinking anything good because there's nothing to celebrate. So, you're left with cheap vodka that you can mix with whatever you have left in your mini-fridge. You'll be able to drink your sorrows away from choosing to go to this forgotten Division 1 university.

9. Central Michigan University - Jungle Juice

My advice is if you party: go here often. The parties are filled with students from all over the state which creates a heck of a good time. Everywhere you look, you see people drunk and crazy things happening. I've heard stories about students stealing cop cars, setting couches on fire, and going absolutely crazy. The students have no regrets, which matches perfectly with this concoction of alcohol.

10. Oakland University - Captain Morgan

This university fits well with our friend Captain Morgan. Since the party scene is seen as below average, no one really seems to actually party there unless they have a nagging friend that begs them to come down for a weekend. This university - and the liquor- is on the higher side of the price range for its quality but you take what you can get at times I guess.
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