Top 10 Underrated Yellowcard Songs | The Odyssey Online
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Top 10 Underrated Yellowcard Songs

They're more than just "Ocean Avenue."

Top 10 Underrated Yellowcard Songs
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It's been a little over a week since Yellowcard officially disbanded and it hasn't quite set in for me yet. Each time their songs have started to play on my iPod, my heart seems to break a little. I keep thinking about all of the times I got to see them live and hear my favorite tracks played and how incredibly happy it made me. Although, over the last few days it dawned on me that there are several songs included in their extensive discography that have been overlooked both by the fanbase and when it came down to putting together setlists. Whenever I would tell people about Yellowcard being one of my all time favorite groups, their minds would immediately jump to "Ocean Avenue." The majority of those people couldn't even name a second Yellowcard song that they knew of. I've curated a top ten list of YC songs I think those both familiar and unfamiliar with the group are bound to enjoy.

1. Back Home

This track just has that nostalgia factor. If you’re home and unhappy, then it makes you wish you were literally anywhere else. If you’re away from home and unhappy, it makes you want to grab the fastest mode of transportation and get yourself back to what’s familiar. It’s just a comforting song that will make you think long and hard about life.

2. Paper Walls

I might be slightly biased seeing as this is the title track for what will forever be my favorite Yellowcard record, but you can’t tell me this song isn’t AMAZING. The opening choir vocals alone will give you chills. It might disorient you for a second too, as just a few seconds later the heavy guitar begins and you’re just engulfed whole into the world the song creates. The classic line, “Hear me now, you will never be alone,” is all the more reason I deem this to be one of the most underrated, best songs Yellowcard has on their roster.

3. Dear Bobbie

This song has always held a special place in my heart. If you listen to it and don’t get slightly choked up, you’re basically heartless. It’s just a touching tribute to old love and what we could all hope to achieve in the future with someone special. "Dear Bobbie" is The Notebook of songs.

4. Keeper

I feel like this song deserves to be played in some romance movie right at the very part some emotionally catastrophic event occurs and tears the couple apart. It just screams big movie moment to me. Any song that’s meant for the movies is meant for popularity, in my opinion. This song deserves more recognition than it’s given.

5. You and Me and One Spotlight

Love songs are easy to find on any bands discography, but there’s a unique element to this particular love song that ranks it high up on my list. It’s not really cutesy or bubbly in any way, nor does it feel too catered to those who favor the token love ballad on a record. It feels powerful and monumental in some weird way. You almost feel like you’re in love just by listening to it. I can’t fathom how this song gets lost among the endless list of love songs thrown out into the world. It's a special one, for sure.

6. Martin Sheen or JFK

I have no serious attachment to this song. The real reason it felt necessary to include is because whenever it comes on, I feel compelled to scream-sing along to it. You can just tell it would be a great crowd-pleaser. It has its rise and fall moments that make it epic in its own right.

7. Sure Thing Falling

I don’t have any real explanation for what makes this song as tremendous as it is. You just have to listen to it to understand that it’s superior to a lot of the tracks that are fan favorites. To me, it feels like the kind of song that would come on shuffle and for whatever reason you can’t bring yourself to hit next. Those kinds of songs are important whether you recognize it or not.

8. My Mountain

While the album this song originates from isn’t all that widely appreciated, the track itself is noteworthy. Again, it’s another love song with a bit of a distinctive spin on it. Just the mountain metaphor is significant enough for me to love it lyrically. I’m a sucker for impressive writing.

9. MSK

If ever there was a song to appreciate Sean Mackin’s violinist expertise, it’s this one. It just takes it to another level. It’s poignantly breathtaking. There’s also an air of simplicity about it that can be hard to get across successfully for plenty of artists, but there’s no denying they hit the nail on the head with this song.

10. Cut Me, Mick

This is most likely one of the more agreed upon underrated tracks on my list. Nevertheless, anything that’s not a hit single can be undervalued in my book. It’s had its share of time on the setlist spotlight, but it should have been a staple for most of their tours. It goes off and would undoubtedly get a crowd going, but other than that it’s just a downright exceptional song.

Narrowing down my top ten choices was incredibly difficult, but the takeaway is that Yellowcard has numerous hits and likable tunes for anyone willing to listen. Though they are no longer together, I can vouch that they won’t be forgotten and they have left a great impact on me and plenty of others.

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