Top 10 TV Show Theme Songs From My Childhood | The Odyssey Online
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Top 10 TV Show Theme Songs From My Childhood

These are the best show intros from our youth

Top 10 TV Show Theme Songs From My Childhood

I miss not having any responsibilities. I miss when I treated watching TV like a full time job. There were so many great TV shows from when we were growing up and the best shows always had the best theme songs. These are my 10 favorite intros from when I was kid counting down from least best to best (but they are all still awesome).

10. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003)

Warning: just because this song makes you feel like a genetically altered, adolescent reptile trained in combat arts it does not mean you are one. Regardless, everytime I whip out my nunchucks you can bet I'm blasting this wicked banger. Check it out.

9. Teen Titans

This early 2000's Japanese punk jam beautifully encapsulated the cartoon culture of the era. Sinister guitar riffs and relentless audibly stimulating lyrics vocally illustrated fast paced, bone crunching superhero action. I have been known to work out to this song from time to time. Fun fact: the Japanese version goes at least ten times harder. Jam to it.

8. iCarly

Music critics talk about a song that comes around once every decade or so that defines a generation. This ladies and gentleman was that song! This catchy number dug deep into the pre teen psyche and spoke volumes about what it meant to be a kid in caught in the ever shifting technological 2000’s. This one is still on a few of my playlists. Listen to this classic

7. Kim Possible

I guarantee just about everyone wanted to be a secret agent at one point or another. I certainly did thanks to this song. Can you think of a more influential beeping sound than the one made by Kim’s phone? Neither can I. This lovely melody had the whole world asking “What’s the sitch?” for years. Dope. Watch this y'all

6. Hannah Montana

If you didn't instantly get up and dance your pants off to this sitcom favorite every time you heard it, I'm sorry but it may be time to invest in a hearing aide. This theme was nothing short of an emotionally charged, harmonic roller coaster ride full of the angelic vocal prowess of beloved pop icon Miley Cyrus (or is it Hannah Montana¿) as she laments the struggles of maintaining both her teenage life and her pop star persona. Effectively speaking volumes to a generation of pre teens battling their own confused personalities within themselves. Pure art bruh.

5. Fairly Oddparents

Well if this wasn't a banger for the ages I don't know what was. The enchanting chorus evokes thoughts of the early years of television and the phantom of the forgotten American Dream. Not to mention Timmy spits some mad bars in the middle comparable to a sick Gucci Mane verse. It's hard to deny that this classic cartoon tune was the inspiration for Desiigner's recent single "Tiimmy Turner". A true classic.

4. That's So Raven

That’s so Raven - That’s So Raven’s opening theme was more than a TV show intro; it was a fire song on its own. This song transcended what it meant to be a theme song and what it meant to be an early 2003’s Hip Hop/ R&B classic, complete with auto tune and a dope rap verse, that’s so raven intro song is almost never not stuck in my head.

3. Phineas and Ferb

This song was without a doubt the most influential piece of music that ever made it’s way past my ear drums when I was 10. If this classic jam didn’t make you immediately want to get up and go explore, create, and do all kinds of fun things then you might have to rethink your childhood. Watch it hear

2. Drake and Josh

This song was so good dude. This was it. This was the peak of my youth. When you heard this song you were dropping everything and you were going to spend the next 22 minutes or so witnessing the fantastically wacky shenanigans of step brothers Drake Parker and Josh Nichols. Everyday I am thankful that I was blessed with their television presence. Re live this golden memory right now

1. Spongebob

Is this not the most popular theme song of all time? Because of this song, and the downright classic show behind it, millions of children and parents alike have been screaming out the answer to the question “Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?” for nearly 20 years. YO MY MANS SPONGEBOB PLAYS THE FLUTE WITH HIS NOSE! You just can’t top that. Simply iconic.

Honorable Mentions That Almost Made The List:

Adventure Time

The suite Life of Zack and Cody

Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide

Powerpuff Girls

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