Superbowl commercial air time can cost upwards of 5 million dollars so a commercial better be pretty darn good if companies are willing to pay that much. One thing is for sure, we've gotten some laughs out of commercials over the years. Some people watch the game solely for the commercials! Here are some of my favorites and the most popular Superbowl commercials of all time.
1. Clydesdale Team Commercial
When a horse has more determination than you.
2. Lost Dog Budweiser
I don't care who you are, you cried. Just admit it.
3. First Date Hyundai
I feel like my dad would do something like this.
4. Heinz Ketchup Game Day
5. Dear Kitten: Regarding the Big Game
I really feel like this is what my cats say, but with more evil.
6. Betty White Snickers
I'd pay to see her play football
7. Screaming Animals
I don't know why this is funny, but it is.
8. E-Trade Commercial with Baby
Still trying to figure out how they did that with his mouth.
9. Reebok Terry Tate
"Hey Janice!"
10. Cat Herders
I mean, why isn't this a real thing.
Hope you get a few laughs out of this! Share with a friend or tag them in this post!