The Top 10 Songs By Imagine Dragons | The Odyssey Online
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The Top 10 Songs By Imagine Dragons

With hits like Radioactive, it's hard to order these songs

The Top 10 Songs By Imagine Dragons
Imagine Dragons / Instagram

I love music. Furthermore, I love music created by the band Imagine Dragons. For those who don't know, Imagine Dragons is a rock band from Las Vegas, Nevada, and have released three studio albums at this point, winning many awards along the way, including a Grammy for best rock performance in 2014. I've been a fan of theirs for a long time now and with my second attendance of an Imagine Dragons concert having recently passed, I've decided to write a list of my ten favorite songs by Imagine Dragons. Now, to make this list easier to manage and understand, I will only be using songs released in studio albums, deluxe editions of studio albums, or released as singles, so, unfortunately, no music from Imagine Dragons' EPs from before the release of their debut studio album, unless they were re-released later.

10. The Fall

This list opens with the closing song of the standard edition of the band's second album, "Smoke + Mirrors. "This song expresses what we all have struggled with and that is to accept the inevitable. It is said best in the line, "I'm ready for the fall / I'm ready for everything that I believed in to Drift away." This line beautifully crafts a phrase that hangs onto the listener and gives them a comfort that no other song can really do.

9. Roots

"Roots" is a single which was released during the time between the band's second and third studio albums, and it did exactly what it promised in the title, with this song giving the listener a sense of the band going back to the sound that they had used when crafting their debut album, and it gave a hint for the future of the band's sound. The success of this song is most notable when considering that this the only single that doesn't come from an album that has received major traction on the radio, with the song having peaked at number 77 on the billboard hot 100.

8. Demons

"Demons" is the fourth single from Imagine Dragons' debut album, "Night Visions, "and it found it's way to number 6 on the billboard hot 100. This song is just great because it handles the theme of depression, which the lead singer Dan Reynolds is afflicted by, and it does so in a beautiful and relatable way.

7. It's Time

This song is the first single released from the band's first studio album, "Night Visions, "and it set the tone not only for the album but for the band as a whole. The fame and fortune which the band has found it in can be attributed to this song, as it is what put the band on the public's radar, and just does everything right to get the listener pumped with the song's upbeat feel.

6. Shots

"Shots" is the third single released for "Smoke + Mirrors, "and it does a great job to set the tone of the album, as shots is unafraid to explore different themes of music, and it, as well as the rest of the album, is inspired by the band's travels throughout the world for their touring.

5. Believer

The first single from Imagine Dragons' third studio album has received a lot of praise since it's release, and done a lot to promote the band recently, with this song even featuring in a super bowl ad, it's not hard to see why so many people love it, including myself, with its inspirational theme and uplifting beat, it is the ideal song to listen to when you need something to make you feel good.

4. I Don't Know Why

"I Don't Know Why" is the opening track for the band's third album, "Evolve, "and upon my first listening of this song, I was absolutely floored by what I heard. This song did a great job to make you feel energetic and ready for anything. I don't think the band can produce another song to open an album like this one ever again.

3. Thunder

This one is a really interesting pick for me, because for a long time, it might have been my least favorite Imagine Dragons song, with the high pitched and heavily edited sounds, it's definitely can sound disenchanting on the first few listens, but then I really listened to the song and what it had to say, and I fell in love. It is something that I can relate to so heavily because it details Reynolds as a youth coming up and some of the barriers he faced as he did so and his rise to becoming what he is, and I feel that it is something truly amazing.

2. Radioactive

This was a tough one, but yes, I have put "Radioactive," the song that won the band a Grammy and put the band on everyone's music playlists, at number 2 on this list, and no, that's not a mistake. While I love this song wholeheartedly and believe in everything that it has to say, I feel that it doesn't really hold up for multiple listens, as within a few, you could know the song forwards and backward and it not having anything new to put forward, unlike my number 1 pick.

1. Nothing Left To Say

"Nothing Left To Say" is the closing track to Imagine Dragons' debut album, "Night Visions, "and it is my favorite Imagine Dragons song, and it is one which I can listen to over and over, and still it will leave me wanting more. This track has so many things woven into it that I always find some new charm in it that I love, whether it be the simple percussion, the hauntingly beautiful vocals, or the strings that carry through the latter half of the song, I always find something that makes this song all the more perfect, and that is why I consider it the best.

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