If you're ever stuck between wanting to be productive and discovering your new favorite TV show, watching New Girl on Netflix is the move for you! What's better than laughing until your sides hurt, uncovering your inner Jessica Day, falling in love with amazing characters and learning to sing everything you feel? Answer... Nothing! Go be free! Begin your journey of the first four seasons on Netflix now!!!
1. The Best Drinking Game You Will Ever See
When the floor is lava and you have four zones, you know shit is about to go down in True American.
2. Relatable Moments
We all get in those longing Taylor Swift appreciative moments at some point, Jess wants you to embrace them!... But only with pink wine.
3. The Most Awkward Situations
Remember that time Nick had his silent friend give him a healing "bliss bath?" Good times, good times.
4. Dream Friendships
One can only hope to have a friend as great as Jess one day, if she'll scratch your broken, casted balls then she's a keeper!
5. The Douchebag Jar
Needless to say, Schmidt has a problem.
6. Shenanigans
Schmidt is love. Schmidt is life.
7. So. Much. Comedy.
There will never be a moment when you won't nearly fall off your bed from laughing so hard at the countless burns that are told.
8. New Ways To Get Over An Ex
9. Heartfelt Moments
You know you got the chills when Nick and Jess kissed for the first time... And every other time.
10. Jess' Songs About Her Life
"Who's that girl...... It's Jess!" Embrace your inner Jessica Day and take the world by storm! Everyone needs a little bit of quirkiness in it!
Seasons one through four are currently on Netflix.... What are you waiting for?