Spring break is the one break that everyone looks forward to; the one where everyone has plans to go to Florida with their roommates, or go hiking in the mountains. While all of these are great adventures that will create lasting memories, these trips are not the best thing to do on spring break.
The best thing to do on spring break is stay home.
Here are a few reasons why:
1. You can stay home and watch Netflix without the impending nervousness that an assignment is due.
Okay, let's be real. Even when you're not on break, you're at home watching Netflix. But there's nothing as great as watching Netflix when you don't have to worry about homework due tomorrow! You can sit back, grab a snack, and stay under your favorite blanket all day while watching your favorite shows. No added stress.
2. Sleeping in.
Need I say more?
Nonetheless, there is nothing better than waking up at 10:30 in the morning and realizing you would have slept through a class or two if you weren't on break.
3. Playing Sims for hours on end again when it's been months since you've last played.
Or any game you prefer, but let's be real: this generally happens with any given Sims game.
4. You have loads of time to work on your personal hobbies.
Whether it be crafts, reading, fishing, or any other hobby we all find ourselves engrossed in, you have at least one week to do it without having any other obligations. All hobby- no interruptions.
5. Since most of your friends are away for spring break, you aren't obligated to hang out with them.
We all love our friends, okay? But sometimes it is just so nice to not have to go out of the house or hang out with anyone, regardless of who they are. The fact that most of them are out of town just makes this seem less rude.
6. You don't have to deal with any classmate or person in general who annoys you.
So maybe the people aren't as annoying as you think. But when you've been with them for half of a semester, it's nice to have a break.
7. There is more time to take care of yourself.
There is nothing like having a few days where the only thing you have to focus on is yourself. Whether you're spending some money on yourself or just taking some more time to take care of yourself, it's a win-win situation.
8. You get to be as goofy as you want to be without other people judging you.
Sing into your hairbrush as loudly as you can. Make yourself some glasses out of paper. Who cares? It's your break, you do you.
9. No pants required in the comfort of your own home.
It's your house. Do your thing comfortably.
10. Indulging yourself in your guilty pleasures with no embarrassment.
Whether you're writing fanfiction, or perhaps reading it, anything that is a hidden guilty pleasure is now free reign with no fear of anyone else seeing it.
So stay home and enjoy yourself this spring break!