Top 10 reasons she is my friend | The Odyssey Online
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Top 10 reasons she is my friend

A friendship holds power

Top 10 reasons she is my friend

We often hear the term "best friend" a lot. It seems as though it's a trending topic. Then an actual meaning. You see a friend is a person you really know and has a bond of mutual affection. A person who you value in your life, someone you have fun with, someone you trust and someone in who you confide in. A true friend will always be there so you can count on them. Someone who has your back. When their ambition is the same as yours. Friends are family. When your loyalty is not to be questioned. A friendship holds power. That person that holds you down.

A friend doesn’t turn their back on you. They take care of you when you’re sick. Never judge you on you past, present, or future. A friend do more than live in the moment. That friend is your rider for life. Even when you feel down your other half could never turn their back on you. A friend will finish you question before you can get an answer. The life of a friendship could never be replace. The moments you share will remain until eternity. Promise are never broken. Complete honesty.

A friend can walk into your house and take over. Borrow that shirt without asking. Make you smile when you are feeling down. Tell you the truth when you don’t want to hear it. Friends will make sacrifices for their friendship. A friend understands that even if you don’t talk every day you both have lives. Your sidekick can make a five minute phone call feel like a hour. When you try to hide that vibe like everything is okay when it's not they will know. Your embarrassments are more like a honor. A friend will be right by your side when you're drunk and got in some trouble together. A friend never folds under pressure. A real friend is a good friend and when you got that friend you hold on to them because a real friend is too hard to find. Although, many will label someone as there best friend, I particularly have a friend that has been my friend since I meet her. This friend must remain loyal at all times and despite your flaws they must love you for who you are. Here are my top 10 reasons why she is my friend:

1. She is always there.

Sometimes I feel out of place and no clue what my next move is. She helps me bring my thoughts back together.

2. She is loyal.

She has always been honest with me. Never steered me the wrong way.

3.She helps me solve my problems.

I don't have the answer to everything and when i feel like I keep hitting a rock she gives me advice to better my situation.

4. She makes me laugh.

Even when I'm in my worst moods. She know just what to say.

5. She wants me to be happy

My support system!

6. She knows all my crushes.

Ha! She actually heard me talking about these guys a thousand of times.

7. She doesn't hold a grudge on me if we don't talk.

Now that we are older we have different lives but we understand that.

8. We are family.

Her mom is like my mom. I give them both the same respect.

9. I tell her everything over again.

Okay, it happens sometimes I tell her the same story more then once. I forget!

10. My problems are her problem.

We are a team we in this together.

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